Chapter 32: Midlife Crisis?!

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-Aria's POV -

Soon I fell asleep to the rhythm of Dylan's heart beat.

"Why did you take so long to get back! I said 2:30 not 2:41," Noah shouted slamming the dooe shut as I walked in.

I'm sorry, there was a queue at the shop," My pulse quickened as he grabbed the shopping bag of me.

"Well that's not f*cking good enough," He yelled taking the alcohol and pouring it into a glass.

No one was home at my house as my parents had divorced and my dad was at work. Other wise, Noah wouldn't be talking to me like that.

I went upstairs into my bedroom and saw that it had been completely trashed, from my bin being knocked over to my mirror smashed.

He chuckled, "This is what you get for being late,"

"How did you know I was gonna be late?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes.

"Well you don't do anything right," 

Suddenly, I felt a burning sensation on the side of my face. Of course he slapped me, but I've built a tolerance to the pain - The more often my Father and Boyfriend does it.

I woke up sweating and struggled to catch my breath. My face was wet from crying.

Being quiet, I put on a robe and went into the kitchen to grab a drink.

I didn't know what to have so I just made myself coffee. All of a sudden, I felt hands slide around my waist.

"Hey, you okay?" Dylan asked trying to turn me around to see his face but I stopped him, "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just a bad dream," I sniffled and Dyl picked me up so I could see him, just in his boxers.

"Tórres, why have you been crying?!" He looked at me with concern and stuck out his bottom lip.

"Nightmare.. About my ex," I sighed and buried my head into his shoulder.

"He must have been a real bad one," Dylan guided me back to bedroom.

Out of nowhere, I began crying, what was up with me?

"I'm sorry I just -," My eyes were blood shot and my cheeks were stained with tears.

Was I having a mid life crisis!?

"I - I don't want you to leave," I sobbed taking of the robe. Quickly, I jumped into the comfy bed so he couldn't really see anything.

"Oh baby," He got into bed and put his arm around me, "Its okay,"

"But it's not, I'm gonna be by myself. Whose gonna give me my Dylan hug? And no one can match our sarcasm level!"

After ranting, I finally fell asleep in the arms of the person I loved.


I woke up to the loud noise of something clattering in the kitchen.

Internally laughing, I went to where the noise was going from and saw Dylan attempting to make food.

"Hey Tórres," He turned his attention to me, "Woah I could get used to this,"

"What?" I asked laughing.

"You in my house, just waking up, in my t-shirt," He said coming over and hugged me, "You okay?" He whispered in my ear. I knew Dyl was referring to what happened early hours this morning.

"Better because of you," I murmured back, kissing him on the lips.

"Mm, I would love to continue but I'm cooking something," He reluctantly pulled back and went to the stove.

I sat down at the table and watched him struggle. In the end, I got up and helped him flip the pancake.

We added the fruit and sat down to eat. To be honest, It wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.

I still can't believe he is gonna leave me. And poor Addison, T-pose is gonna have to leave her too. It's okay though because we will be together.

After we finished cleaning up breakfast, we lay down on his bed and decided to watch a movie.

"What movie do you wanna watch?" Dylan asked putting his arm around me.

"I don't mind you can pick," I snuggled into him and pulled over the blanket so It was covering the lower half of my body.

"Okie dokie,"

He went to put on this random action movie but I interrupted, "Do we have to watch this... How about 21 jump street,"

"Sure even though you have watched that film over 100 times," He laughed and searched it up.

100 times is an under statement, me and Addi have watched it way more times than that. Pretty sure I know every word to the script.

For the first time in a while, I felt safe and happy. In content.

I love him.


This literally took 4 ever to write so sorry if I've kept u waiting 💕💕

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