Chapter 29: Meeting Friends

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Once we made it to Addison's house she got out bottles of beer and handed us all one.

I'm so lucky to have all these amazing people in my life.

We made general chit chat for a while.

"Guys T-pose and I have something to tell you," Dylan raised his voice slightly to get our attention.

"Oo what is it?" I asked crossing my legs over each other.

"We have to go to England for a while," Tyler added with a serious face.

"Yeah, it's for work. There is going to be a new movie of Teen Wolf," He recalled running his hand through his hair.

"What?!" Addison exclaimed sadly.

Just when me and Dylan were getting somewhere, growing closer he has to go away.

They told us most of the information we needed to know. The rest of the night was all a blur for me.

Me and boyfriend went back to my flat and walked there because we all had a few drinks.

Also, I wanted to talk to him one on one about him going to England.

I held his hand as we walked down the road. It was dimly lit up with the orange street lights.

"Hey are you okay? You've been really quiet," He wondered.

I feel like everyone in my life always leaves me acept Addison, she's always been their for me. My dad left me, I don't see my mom often, no siblings. God, even Ginger - my cat - died when I was eleven. Everyone is disappearing. Is there something wrong with me?

"Oh yeah I'm okay. Just thinking," I stated. The wind blew my hair behind me.

"I asked my manager if I could bring you with me but she said you may distract me," He added looking at me as I looker down at my shoes.

Of course she said no. That woman doesn't even like me. She just wants to get closer to Dylan.

"Thanks for trying. I'm really happy for you Dyl" I plastered on a fake smile even though I was happy for him that him career was expanding, could I be part of that too? "How long are you going for?"

"Only for 5 to 6-," He went to carry on but I cut him off.

"Weeks, That's it? Oh! That will fly by," Why didn't Dylan tell me this earlier?

"No Torres. 5 to 6 months,"

"What! Months?! When do you leave?" Hopefully it will be in a while so I get to spend more time with him.

"In a weeks time. On Saturday," We made it back to my flat.

"Dylan I just - Let me just process this, please. I'll call you tomorrow okay?"

"Okay, night" And with that he left. I unlocked my door and went inside.

Tears filled my eyes, but I had to stay positive. It was good right? He was perusing his career, that must be good for him. Me.. Not so much.

I decided to have a shower to try and relax myself.


The next day, I decided to call Dylan because we were meeting his friends.

I dialed the number and he answered it straight away.

"Hey Dyl," I said sitting on my bed.

"Hi Torres. Do you still want to meet my friends?" He asked.

"Of course I do," There is no way I would not take the opportunity to meet Thomas!

"Great! I'll pick you up at 2pm," I could tell that he was happier I said yes.

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