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"Bethany!." Beth rolls her eyes and sighs. "What momma?." She calls back and the bedroom door opens. "Sweetie, can we have a chat?." Beth closes her journal and places it on her nightstand before nodding. "Sure i guess." Annette walks into the room and slowly closes the door before taking a seat on the bed.

"Sweetheart, your daddy and I are a little worried about you." Beth furrows her eyebrows. "And why is that?."

"Cause all you seem to do is lock yourself in your room and write.. You barely eat anythin' and we've been noticein' bloody gauze in the garbage cans.." Beth was in a panic, how did they find those??.. She thought. "They ain't mine." She simple said, turning away from her mother. "Bethany Greene don't lie to me!."

Annette grabs her arm and beth flinches and tries to break free of her grasp. Her mother pulls up her sleeve to reveal cuts up and down her arms. "Bethany what kind of attention hoggin' stunt is this?!." She screams and beth yanks her arm from her.

"Screw you! You don't get it!." she yells back. Annette slaps her hard across the face before leaving the room and slamming the door. "I hate you!." She screams.

Little did beth know that was the last conversation she'd have with her mother.

The Walking Dead (Bethyl) Spin Off (Volume Two)Where stories live. Discover now