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Light poked through the curtains and shone right into Beth's eyes. She looked around the room, completely disoriented until she notices daryl sleeping soundly beside her. I guess i came to daryl first.. She thought. The front door slammed as two pairs of footsteps ran up the stairs. Within seconds the bedroom door flies open and Maggie and Romona rush in. "Beth! Holy shit what happened to you?! What did she do?! I'll kill her!!." Maggie yelled as she grazed her cheek.

"When the fuck did she get here?!." She yelled and daryl groaned. "Maggie relax-"

"Daryl wake the fuck up!." She yelled as she threw a pillow at him, making him jump. "When did she get here?." Maggie asked, calmer now. "Good morning to you too," he said sarcastically before scratching the back of his neck. "And around three."

"Beth what happened to you?." Romona asked as she sat down on the edge of the bed. Beth frowned. "Can I talk about it later?." She asked and before Maggie could protest Romona nodded and tugged Maggie's arm. "C'mon mag's, we'll be downstairs makin' some coffee." The two left the room and shut the door behind them.

"Jesus.." Beth whispered to herself. "Are you actually gonna tell them?." Daryl asked looking over at her and she bit her lip. "Eventually."

"Oh.." He said. "Well.. Are you going to tell me?." Beth sat herself up in the bed and winced from the excruciating pain in her ribs. Beth sighed. "It was Jessie, she's jealous that I'm with you.. And - uhm.." Daryl's eyes spat oceanic fire as he listened to beth speak. " 'Uhm' what? What else happened? What did she say?." Beth swallowed hard and pushed aside her tears. "She brought up my scar, and told me that I'm worthless, that I'm weak, and that I don't deserve you." Those words hurt like daggers.

"The best part is, she doesn't know me. She doesn't know what I'm made of or what I'm capable of. She don't know shit about me." Daryl clenched his jaw and balled his fists. "That bitch is going to get it." He said through gritted teeth. "No. Don't hit her, don't kill her. Just leave her." Daryl's jaw was hitting the floor as he listened to her speak.

"Just because this world has gone to shit don't mean we gotta sink to her level. She thinks she's tough by beatin' me, but she don't know a thing about bein' tough," Beth's eyes filled with tears as she looked at him. "Tough is bein' taken from everythin' you've ever known and bein' put into a world where ya' gotta fight to be alive. I admit, I'm not like Maggie, Romona or michonne, carol," tears sprung from her eyes.

"But i made it. Okay, like Bein' tough is havin' the strength to pull through the things we've seen and the losses and the death and standin' here today listenin' to every goddamn word some bitch has to say 'bout me." Beth's chest was heaving.

"Its bullshit.. And if the day comes, i wanna be the one to kill her. To show her everythin' i've got. To show her i ain't weak." Daryl was speechless. Beth laid back down and rolled over so her back faced him. "But I'm a 'kid' so what do I know, right?."

"You ain't a kid bethy. You're right." Daryl leaned over and kissed her cheek before crawling out of bed. "Get some rest, I'll be up in a bit with some breakfast and painkillers." He closed the bedroom door behind him and beth sighed.


The bedroom door opened and daryl walks in with a tray of eggs, toast and a cup of coffee. "How you feelin' babygirl?." He asked, shutting the door with his foot and she sat up and smiled. "Daryl Dixon bringing me breakfast in bed? Now this has gotta be a dream." Daryl rolled his eyes and placed the tray on her lap. "Oh shut it and eat." Beth began munching on the food as she watched daryl change from his pajamas into a fresh shirt.

When he noticed her looking he smirked and walked over to plant a small kiss on her cheek. "I'm gonna go on a quick run with Maggie for somethin' I'll be back soon okay?." Beth nodded as she placed the tray on the empty spot beside her and stood up. Her long blonde hair was in elegant waves down her back as she stretched.

"I swear to god you ain't gotta single flaw." Beth pecked him on the lips before putting on a pair of socks and grabbing the tray to bring downstairs. "I got it." He said, taking it from her hands. "C'mon." The two walked down the creaky steps to find the two girls sitting in the kitchen. "Ready to go?." Maggie asked and he nodded, passing the tray to Romona. "We'll see you soon guys." Maggie said walking towards the front door.

"Be good." Daryl said, as he planted a kiss on her forehead and beth smiled cheekily. "No promises."

"Oh shut up." He laughed as he swung his crossbow on his back and exited the house. Once the door shut Romona giggled.

"What?." Beth asked and she just shook her head and sipped her coffee. "Nothin'." Beth sat down in a kitchen chair and began nibbling on a chocolate chip cookie. "Bull, c'mon tell me!." She squealed and Romona finally caved. "When are you guys getting married for christ sake, y'all are goddamn adorable." Beth choked on her cookie for a moment while Romona bursted out in laughter.

After beth had drank some of her coffee she glared at Romona. "I'm glad you found that funny! I could have died!." Romona tried to keep a straight face before bursting out in laughter once more. It was contagious cause soon beth laughed along with her.

"Ahh, so what do you wanna do while they're gone?," Beth shrugged and continued munching on her cookie. "..Throw a house party?, go streaking?." Romona added sarcastically and beth laughed. "Oh, definitely go streaking."

"You know, i was thinking the same thing." Romona joked as she sipped her coffee again. Beth was about to open her mouth to speak when they heard screaming.

"Help! Walker! Walker!!." A woman yelled. Romona jumped off the island and quickly grabbed a knife from the kitchen drawer. "Beth stay here!." She yelled as she ran out the door.

A baby girl was screaming her lungs out due to the walker that was fast approaching. Romona was quick to stab the walker in the head and scoop up the little girl. Maggie and daryl ran over to her and stared down at the walker. "We were on our way out and heard screaming, what happened."

"I dunno, this baby was screaming her goddamn lungs out because this fella here was trying to make him a snack."

"Hows that possible, i thought this place was well protected?."

"What in gods name happened here?!" Gladdis yells as she approaches the three of them. "A walker got in and tried to feed on this kid, thats what happened." Gladdis examined the walker and frowned. The community began crowding around and gladdis's fists balled up. "Everyone get back to your houses! Now!.." Gladdis pulls out a radio from her pocket.

"Its happened again," She said into the radio. "It happened again."

The Walking Dead (Bethyl) Spin Off (Volume Two)Where stories live. Discover now