Dumber Then A Doorknob

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Beth laid on the bed staring up at the ceiling of the small room. "Beth?." Romona called from the other side of the door. "Come in." Romona lightly pushed open the door and frowned. "You've been up here all night, did you want something to eat?." Beth shook her head and sighed. "Alright," Romona said before shutting the door behind her. "Spill it." She said as she took a seat on the bed.

"Theres nothing to spill." Beth replied and Ramona laughed. "Oh shut up, there is too! Now spill it!." Beth propped herself on her elbows and looked Romona dead in the face. "That girl Jessie.. Does she seem ...odd to you?." She asked quietly and Romona scratched her head. "Little bit, but the chick's dumber then a doorknob, theres nothing she can do to potentially threaten us." Beth nodded slowly. She was right.

"I guess so.." It was silent for a moment. "So how are things with mr. dixon?." She asked with a smirk and beth laughed sadly. "Not too good.."


"Jessie caught us in the woods -"

"Doing the dirty?." Romona interrupted and beth shook her head. "No no no, i mean we were just talking about how people would react to us... cause the gap, ya know?." Romona nodded her head. "I totally get it. When I was 18, my boyfriend was 26 and it can get real tirin' recivin' disapprovin' looks and all." Beth shook her head.

"But the thing is, Jessie told us to 'watch it' and the rules still apply in the walls.." Beth balled her fists. "Daryl was just starting to get comfortable with it too!." Romona sighed. "Jessie is the least of your problems bethy. This place, it seems too good to be true.. I fear the people will try and do somethin ya know?." Beth nodded and laid back down on the bed. "Yeah, i know." Romona got up from the bed and opened the door.

"Me and mag's were gunna head over to the camp fire when all the kids gone to sleep.. You should come, and bring daryl." Beth propped herself on her elbows once more. "Mag's? What are you guys, best friends now?." Romona laughed. "I'll call ya' when we're leavin'." She shut the door and beth let out a small laugh.

Maybe its a good idea to get some fresh air.. She thought. Beth crawled out of bed and made her way to the bathroom and cringed when she saw her reflection. Dark circles hung under her eyes making her look even more exhausted while her hair sprung out in curls of all sorts. "I cant go anywhere like this.." She whispered to herself. Beth brushed her long blond hair and decided to leave it down for once. Then she washed her face, brushed her teeth and even grabbed a fresh pair of clothes for the evening.

She slipped into a small plain black hoodie and a pair of dark skinny jeans she stared in the mirror with a dissatisfied look on her face. She grabbed the scissors from the drawer and cut holes in the knees of her jeans before smirking. "Thats a bit better.." She whispered.

"Beth, you comin' ?! ." Romona called from the stairs and beth raised an eyebrow. "I thought you said later?."

"It is later," Romona laughed before walking back downstairs.


Beth knocked on the door before stuffing her hands in her pockets to fight the chilly evening air. A moment later daryl opens the door and smiles slightly when he see's who's standing on his porch. "Whatcha want Greene?." He asked playfully and beth smiled. "Mona and Maggie are goin' to the campfire and they told me to come ... Buuut i want you to come too." She said with a cheeky smile. Daryl bit his lip as if he were in sudden thought.

"Oh c'mon, be social." Beth teased as she planted a kiss on his cheek. Daryl rolled his eyes before slipping on a coat and closing the door behind him. "Yay." Beth said as she took his hand and pulled him in the direction of the fire. The walk to the fire was peaceful, quiet, comfortable. Beth squeezed her hand a bit and cuddled close to his arm.


"Mm?." He grunted.

"I love you." She said, her voice slightly muffled due to he cuddling so close to him. "I love you too bethy."

"There y'all are, we were startin' to worry." Romona called and daryl blushed. "c'mon lovebirds, have a seat, stay a while." Beth rolled her eyes and walked over to the fire. The four talked, laughed, told stories and for once beth felt human again.

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