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The musky smell of the forest filled Daryl's lungs as he inhaled deeply and sighed. The feeling he felt was indescribable, he longed for beth but he didn't know how to deal with these feelings.. So they tore him apart from the inside out. Maggie watched him silently from behind, her small frame leaning on a tree as her arms stay firmly crossed over her chest. She didn't know Daryl very well, but from her knowledge, he meant everything to beth. And she now realized that the feelings were mutual. Daryl had feelings for her sister. Maggie mentally kicked herself for not realizing sooner and sighed. "You miss her don't you.." Maggie said quietly and daryl jumped, but stayed silent. Maggie huffed before taking a seat beside him. "I already figured you out Dixon, you don't have to hide your feelings from me."

"You don't know shit." He said harshly, turning away from her. Maggie laughed softly. "Your forgetting I'm Beth's sister, we're pretty much experts at figuring things out about people." Daryl smirked slightly as he thought about his time with beth, how she taught him how to play piano, comforted him when he missed Merle and how she asked him to make her 'first' special. "Is it really that obvious?." Maggie laughed. "You mope around and separate yourself from everyone, at my daddy's farm you cared 'bout no one but yourself. Of course its obvious."

It grew silent for a moment. "She changed me.." He finally said, his eyes fixed on the river in front of him. "What do you mean?."
Daryl smirked. "She taught me that theres still good in this hell hole," Maggie's eyes were fixed on his. "And i taught her how to use a crossbow." Maggie smiled for a moment. Had her sister really changed the cold, bitter Daryl Dixon? "You really love her, dont you?." Daryl's head snapped up at that word.

"Love?." He asked, as if he didnt know what it was. "Yes, love. L-O-V-E." Daryl laughed coldly. "I ain't down for that sappy bullcrap." Maggie sighed before standing back up. "You may not understand now, but you will." With that she walked back to where they set up camp. Leaving the middle aged man alone with his thoughts once more.

Do I really love Beth?

Hey guys so here's another chapter for you! I hope you enjoyed and I'll update asap !

Aut, xx

The Walking Dead (Bethyl) Spin Off (Volume Two)Where stories live. Discover now