Chapter 10

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I wanna bury myself in the ground and die.

"Did I really do that?" I asked again to reassure.

"For the 4th time, I'm saying this, Y/n... It's true. Why would I lie?"

That's right... He wouldn't lie...

"Then, what did you do when I started... taking off... my clothes?" I mumbled the last part as I was too embarrassed to even bring up the topic of my stupid-ass actions again.

Yoongi laughed. "It was really bold of you to strip in front of a man who's not even your husband."

"Stop making this harder for me!!" I whined.

"Ok ok, sorry." He laughed. "Well, when you started stripping off your clothes, I covered you with a blanket and laid you down."

Lord, how embarrassing...

"You had gotten me so turned on at that time."

"I'm sorry??!" My eyes grew wide at his remark.

"Haha~ don't worry, I handled it myself."

I blinked multiple times to understand what he just said when he added.

"It was too painful to hold back, so I went to the bathroom."




"I need you." She said, holding my hand before sitting up straight. "Please help me get this dress off. It's bothering me."

My eyes grew big at her request.

This woman will be the end of me.

"Fine, I'll help you. But before that, let me find you some comfortable clothes. Till then, obey my words, and don't you dare move a hair from here!!"

"Yes, of course, daddy!"

"What the fuck?!"

Does she think I'm her dad?

I did not quite understand why she called me daddy but I decided to ignore it.

However, I could see some possible future regrets flashing in front of my eyes because of this woman's boldness.

I tried to shake those thoughts off my mind and went to look for clothes to give her to wear for the night.

By the time I was looking into my bag for a pair of sweaters and pants, Y/n had already begun doing her not-to-be-called-normal activities.

"Please stop jumping on the bed." I said with the least energy I've ever put in my voice as I was too tired for any more shit that night.

So, I didn't bother stopping her.

Instead, I decided to let her enjoy what she was doing.

I hope she doesn't remember all these things when she wakes up tomorrow.

Well... only if she sleeps in the first place...

I sighed.

"Alright, that's enough." I said, approaching her. "Sit down. Right now!" I gestured with my hand and my index finger, flicking it downward.

She fell onto the bed, huffing while trying to catch her breath after all the bounces she enjoyed.

"Change into these..." I handed her the pair of clothes I was holding. "I'll be in the bathroom by the time."

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