Chapter 8

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"Do you still like him?"

Suho was standing right in front of me, waiting for me to answer his question while I took a deep breath to collect as much courage as possible before replying.

"Yes. I still have feelings for Yoongi."

He immediately backed away, a faint gasp leaving his mouth as if I said something dreadful to his whole existence.

He, then, turned around and stormed out of the room without sparing a second glance back at me.

Why is he acting like that??

Is it because of the feelings he has grown for me?

Just when I was about to dive deep into thinking, my phone rang up with my sister's name on the screen.

Mina: Yo, Sis!!
You won't believe what happened!!

You: Can we talk some other time, Mina, if it's not that important?

Mina: Ehh~ why do you sound so dull?

You: Nothing serious...

Mina: Unnie, are you good?

You: Yeah..

Mina: I saw the news! Don't lie!!

You: Ohh~ So you are worried about me, huh?

Mina: Of course!
Who else do I have beside you?

You: Aish... This drama queen...

Mina: By the way, have you met Yoongi oppa?

You: Umm... Yeah.

Mina: Ohmygod!!!! Really?!!!

You: Why are you getting excited?

Mina: Well, you'll be getting excited too! You know why??
Cuz I got good news for you!!

You: You're finally deciding to stop calling me randomly?

Mine: Nah~
That's not happening~

You: Oh boy,
Then, what is it?

Mina: I've decided to get married!!

You: Wait- what?

Mina: Yess!!!!
But before I let him meet mom and dad, I want you to meet him first.

You: Me???
Why me?

Mina: Because you understand me more than anyone else in this world.


After talking to Mina, I felt glad to know that she has now grown old enough to make a big decision, like marriage, for herself.

She said that she'll be coming here in a couple of days to meet me and also, because she wants me to meet her boyfriend who is here in Daegu too.

I would never confess this, but she gives me a lot of strength and courage, even though she is younger than me.

If she has finally taken the decision to get married then she must be confident about her partner.

However, I still need to meet him for the sake of my assurance.

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