Ending 3 (I Cant Choose) 🍋

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"Well... Ive put a lot of thought into it... And I think I.." You pause knowing you're not in the mindset to make a decision.

"I...I can't choose guys... I think I love them both just as much."

"WHY DID YOU EDGE US LIKE THAT! NOW WE OWE DENKI $10!!" Mina and Kirishima scream in unison.


"I'm sorryyyy, it's just so exciting!" Mina responds.

"How is me choosing to eat french toast exciting?"

"Well you usually eat cereal!" Kirishima jumps in.

"Oh Wowww, who would've thought I eat breakfast food for breakfast!" You giggle.

"Whatever! You still have to pick one of them to stay with you though!" Mina exclaims.

"Oh.... I forgot about that... What am I gonna do?!"

"Why don't you tell Aizawa you need more man power and you don't feel safe with just one!". Kirishima asks.

"OH you could! And he'd think it'd be safer since no funny business would be going on cause they hate each other!" Mina adds.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to try.." You say.

"He's in the classroom now, go ask in person i'm sure it's better than asking over the phone." Mina says.

"Okay! I'll let you guys know how it goes!" You yell as you walk out of her dorm.

You make your way down the halls. As you pass people they ask how you feel and tell you if you need anything to let them know. You provide small smiles and thank them for their kindness as you go.

You walk to the school quarters and make your way to your classroom, lightly knocking before entering since school isn't in session.

"Come in.." A lazy voice rings out.

"A-Aizawa Sensei.. I- have a question for you.." you mumble.

"Oh.. Y/N, what do you need?"

"I-I don't really feel safe being with one person off of school grounds... Do you think both of them could watch over me? AND it'll help you know for sure no...funny business... is going on!" You say growing from worried to eager in your tone of voice.

"Hmm.. You're right... I'll have to talk to Nezu, but you have to get the boys to agree... They don't seem to get along to well." He responds.

"Yes sir! I'll call you after I ask them!" You say cheerfully as you bow and exit the classroom going to find Shoto and Katsuki.

You head back to Mina's dorm after realizing you have no idea where either of the boys are, so you decide to tell Mina and Kirishima the news first.

You bust in the doors,

"GUESS WHAT BITCHES! He's asking Principal Nezu for approval!" You squeal.

"Aizawa's so manly for saying yes!" Kirishima says as he wipes fake tears from his eyes.

"Girl you're gonna be paralyzed by day 3!" Mina jokes.

"That's the plan girl!" You say, not joking whatsoever.

"I just have to tell the boys and get them to agree, which shouldn't be too hard." You say.

"We'll I know Bakubro is at his dorm, but I don't know where Todoroki is." Kirishima says.

"I'll just add them to a group chat and ask to meet up." You say.

You take out your phone and create the chat.

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