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You get back to your dorm and change out of your school clothes into a pair of black shorts and a black tank top.
You feel gross, so you brush your teeth, put on some deodorant, and spray some perfume to save time.

You walk out of your dorm and head to the stairs. You go up a flight and walk down the hallway, you stand outside of Todoroki's room and lightly knock.

Almost instantly he answers and gestures you in.

"Sooo, what do you want to do?" you asked happily.

"Oh um.. Anything you'd like" he says with a small smile on his face.

"You wanna watch a movie?"

"Sure, anything specific in mind?"

" Not at all, you can pick if you'd like" you say giggling.
"Oh okay, just let me know if you'd like a different movie."

"Will do, Snowflake"

A deep blush appears on his face as you sit next to him on his bed

He puts on a random movie and you sit down to watch together, only about a foot separating you.

"Coul-could I turn the tv up?"

"Oh- of course"

You reach for the remote to turn the volume up, but Todoroki does too, as he felt you were the guest so he would be the one to turn it up.

Your hands graze one another, you face each other, both blushing deeply. Neither one of you moving your hand away.

Todoroki lightly squeezes your hand, his shaking slightly while doing so.
With so little space between you, you can feel the tension in the air and you wonder why the space is depleting.

You're both slowly leaning in and you now realize what is about to happen.

With only a couple inches separating you, your heart begins to race and your stomach begins to flutter.

Just as your lips are about to meet you hear a knock at the door.
You both jump back nervously as Todoroki reluctantly goes to open the door.

"H-Hey Todoroki.. OH h-hi Y/N.. Uh-Um I was wondering if you could help me on my science homework Todoroki." Midoriya nervously asks as he can tell he broke something up.

"Yes of course" Todoroki sighs.

"Oh-W-well I'll see you later Todoroki" you make your way to the door, but he leans in and whispers,

"Call me Shoto" he smirks.

Your heart flutters and you blush a deep red.

"Bye, S-Shoto" you smile.

"See you later Midoriya!" you say happily.

"B-bye Y/N" Midoriya squeaks.

You walk out of his dorm ecstatic, yet disappointed.

As you get back to your dorm you realize how late it is, but you can't seem to fall asleep. After the event that almost took place your mind is all over the place.

You feel almost guilty as you think about Shoto, as you had some of the same thoughts when studying with Bakugou. 

While you're deep in thought a knock at your door is heard.

You slowly walk towards the door and open it to see Shoto.

"Hey Todor-er..Shoto, What's up? Is something wrong?"

"Oh no, I was just wondering.. Would you like to go with me to visit my mother tomorrow?"

Knowing the family struggle he goes through from seeing inside his mind, you can tell it took an incredible effort for him to ask you this.

"Of course I would, I'm very glad you asked me Shoto, I'll meet you at the school entrance after school if you'd like to walk together!" You tell him as cheerful as possible.

"G-great.. I'll see you then Y/N."

"Be careful on your walk back to your dorms snowflake." You say with a smile and you pull him in to a hug.

He tenses up at the initial contact, yet gradually melts into the hug and reciprocates it. He then hesitates but gives you a small peck on the cheek.

Your face becomes a visible red and your legs feel like jelly.

He releases the hug just as flustered as you and heads back to his dorm.

You close the door giddy with excitement and jump into your bed almost too excited to sleep.
It takes a while but your heart finally calms down and you can drift off to sleep.

Best school ever 

Those were your last thoughts as you finally let sleep overcome you.

Mixed Emotions TodorokixReaderxBakugouWhere stories live. Discover now