The Message

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You wake up and immediately notice you're shivering. While being super dizzy, you also realize you're sitting up in a chair with some device around your neck and your hands and feet are chained to the chair.

You try to use your quirk to remove the chains, but nothing happens.

No...They didn't.... They couldn't have... did.. they take my... quirk?

You struggle profusely trying to get out of the chains, but the struggle is useless, so you sit there shivering, lacerations on your wrists and legs from pulling against the chains, and something around your neck, but you have yet to figure out what it is.

Maybe a tracking device in case I manage to escape?

You look around the darkened room hoping your eyes will adjust fast enough to find something useful for your escape, but to no avail.

You scramble in hopes to reach the floor, but before you fall you feel your phone sitting comfortably in your bra, giving you a little peace of mind that whoever took you had a shred of decency, and hopefully just secured your survival.

You push your elbows together to create space for your phone to fall into your lap so you can grab it with your chained hands, and power it on.

12% Battery left...That's more than enough.

You immediately go to your class group chat and share your location, sending a voice text explaining your situation.

Hopefully they'll answer fast enough... I should hide my phone before someone comes in..

You manage to shove your phone into your waistline and try to collect your thoughts before you attempt to escape again.

As you think of ways to escape a figure stalks into the room.

"Not so tough now, are ya doll?" A man with purple scars says to you.

"You... Why do you want me here so bad? Just find someone else?!" You scream as tears well up in your eyes.

"I can't have someone as dangerous as you running around now can I?" He says sarcastically.

"You gave my teammates a beating, and it's time for us to return the favor, before we take your quirk of course."

They didn't take my quirk?? Then why... Why can't I break out?!

"Awe are you confused? Not smart enough to figure out the device around your neck is hindering you from using your quirk?"

"Just... JUST KILL ME!"

"But that would be no fun doll... I'm gonna have some fun first." He says with a sadistic smirk.

"Who are you anyways?" You ask, tears visibly streaming down your face now.

"The names Dabi.. But you won't need any more information anytime soon."

You let out a sudden scream of pain as he delivers a swift kick to your stomach and proceeds to grab you by the arm, severely burning your skin to the point you can smell the flesh melting off of your body.

He continues torturing you for hours until you fall unconscious from the pain, it'll be days before you fully regain consciousness again.

———————Katsuki's POV——————

It's been days since Y/N went missing, everyone has been searching frantically, but we haven't found anything yet..

You better be okay, If they so much as lay a finger on you... They'll regret they were ever born..

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