The Decision

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After a couple more days of tests and small talk with the wonderful nurses and doctors at the hospital, they finally tell you you're free to leave whenever you please.

I don't know if I'm ready to leave... I feel like whoever I choose to live with for the next few months will feel i've made my choice... But I think, I know who I truly love.

I call Aizawa to let him know i'm ready to go, but ask if I can't wait to choose for a couple more hours.

"Of course, however I'd like you to stay near at least one person at all times." He says over the phone.

"That works for me! I was going to stay at Mina's dorm for awhile! But, do I have escort from the hospital to the dorms?"

"Oh yes, Todoroki asked his father to escort you, he should be there now you can go meet him outside. Make sure you let a teacher know when you make it to the building safely." He says before hanging up the phone.

You head downstairs and up to the receptionist's desk to check yourself out. After you finish there, you head to the exit to see Endeavor waiting patiently for you.

You give a small wave and he calmly ushers you to his car. Once you get in, you notice how expensive it must be.

It's equipped with black leather seats, TV screens on the backs of the seats, along with many other features you've never had the pleasure of seeing in person.

While you're lost in thought, you're interrupted by the deep booming voice of Shoto's father.

"So you're the girl my Shoto talks so much about.. I've- never seen him..Care..So much about a person. I just hope you don't distract him from his work."

"Of course I wouldn't sir, both Shoto and I care deeply about our training along with our academics." You respond trying to stay on his good side as much as possible.

"Very well, I would like you to know.. I approve of what Shoto feels for you, and I just ask you take care of my son. I've done many things wrong in the past, but I hope you can help heal his wounds."

"Of course si-" You go to answer before he cuts you off,

"Please, call me Enji."

"Oh! Well I care very deeply about your son as well, and I'll try to do as much as I can for him, Enji."

You continue conversing with him on your short ride to the school. When you finally arrive, he opens your door and walks you to the entrance.

"Thank you Enji, I've enjoyed meeting you, have a safe ride home!" You say cheerfully.

"And the same to you Miss Y/N." He says while walking back to his car.

Once inside you stop Midnight in the hallway and ask her to let Aizawa know you've made it inside safely, to which she happily agrees and gives you a small hug wishing you a warm welcome back to UA.

You basically sprint to Mina's dorm and give three small knocks on her door.

When she answers, her face is ridden with shock and immediately envelopes you in a tight hug.

"You made it! You have NO idea how worried I was! Who would I talk to about drama?! OH! Sorry I was hugging you pretty tight. Come in girl we have so much to discuss!"

You step inside to see Kirishima sitting atop Mina's bed.

"Hey girl, how was the hospital?" He asks while giving you two thumbs up.

"We'll the staff was nice! I just didn't know i'd have to have such high security... Someone has to stay at my house with me, but you'll never guess who Aizawa made me choose between." You say, pretty sarcastically.

"NO WAY!!" Mina gushes.

"YES! And I have to pick by the end of the day!"

"Wait... Who is it?" Kirishima asks, not quite putting the pieces together.

"DUH! Todoroki and Bakugou you hard head!" Mina answers for you.

"No way! Baku bro and Todoroki?! Who are you gonna pick?" Kirishima asks.

"Yea girl spill! I'm dying to know! This is like.. The final decision!!"

"I KNOW! It's so hard to pick because I'd feel terrible about the other! But, I think I know who i'll end up asking to stay with me.." you say sounding unsure.

"Well?! Don't keep us in suspense!" Mina shouts.

"Well... Ive put a lot of thought into it... And I think I'll ask.."

Mixed Emotions TodorokixReaderxBakugouWhere stories live. Discover now