Chapter 18 - How much I missed

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Finally I'm discharged from this awful hospital room after a week. Doctor said I had to stay longer so he can keep a close eye on me.

Zane never left my side throughout the whole week. I never thought I could love someone this much.

I told him I love him. To be honest, I missed him so much the day I was in the cell that I realised I can't live without him.

I didn't think I could love him. I mean, I have to marry him. And I don't even have a choice. But now...

"What are you thinking about Love?"

I look up at him and he has a smile on his face.

"You..." I say, smiling back at him.

He takes my hands and helps me of the bed.

"Come on babygirl. We're finally going home."

The doctor comes in and both of us look at him.

"We'll Miss Herondale, you are free to go. Please rest as much as you can and come back in 2 months to get your cast removed. Take good care of her Mr Lynwood. She's a keeper." He smiles saying his greetings. He turns and walk.

Zane turns back to me with a huge smile on his face. He cups my face with both his palms and stared into my eyes with his vibrant green orbs.

"Oh you are definitely a keeper babygirl."

I smile and Zane's face inches closer to mine. His one hand travels to my waist and the other one stays on my cheek.

"You have no idea how much I love you Veronica." He stares into my eyes like never before.

His lips touch mine and sparks fly high. I'm in seventh heaven and I'm the happiest I've ever been. I passionately kiss him back and feel my legs give in at pleasure.

He picks me up bridal style and I wrap my arms around his neck. He grabs my things and hands it to me.

He walks out the hospital room and carries me to the car.

"I'm so glad you're okay Love."

"I'm glad too." I say smiling up at him, quickly pecking his lips. He laughs and my favourite sound fills the air.

"I really love it when you laugh." I say looking into his beautiful eyes.

"And I really love you Ronnie."

He sets me down on the passenger seat and he walks around the car to the drivers seat. He turns the keys and the car roars to life.

He looks at me and smiles, "Ready to go home Love?"

I nod and he grabs my hand while he drives off. I start out the window taking in all the scenery. Every tree, every flower, every cloud. It's the little things you miss that you don't even realise.

After awhile the car pulls up at the house. The big mansion like house I first came to. I'm so glad we don't have to go back to the safe house, although it was my safe place for months.

Zane stops the car and walks around to my door. He lifts me up in his arms and plants a kiss on my cheek.

He walks up to the front door and open it to let us in. I didn't even realise how much I missed this place. The last time we were here I barely knew Zane and now I'm in love with him. How did things change soo quickly?

"I'm making you something to eat." He says putting me down on the couch and handing me the remote.

"No Zane it's fine. You don't have to." I'm really not that hungry. My body is used to not eating much so when I eat too much it feels like I'm gonna puke.

"Veronica you have to eat more baby. I'll tell you what, I'll make you something but you have to eat at least have of it."

"What do I get out of it?" I ask with a smirk.

"Well you get me. For the rest of the day."

"And we can do anything?" I ask.

"Anything that won't put much strain on your body."

Oh seriously? I had the perfect activity in mind. But I know what he's gonna say.

"So activities with minimal clothing is out?" I ask with a pout.

His eyes widen and his smile grows. "Oh that's what you had in mind?"

I smile and try to look seductive. "Yeah. That's exactly what I had in mind."

He walks closer to me, picks me up and pulls me onto his lap. He crashes his lips on mine and I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I would fucking love do you right here, right now but I really think you need a meal and some rest. But I'll hold you to that thought the moment you are better." He smirks

"I can't wait." I whisper in his ear nipping at his skin. A groan escapes his lips and I tail kisses from his neck up until I reach his lips. I kiss them softly and passionately. Savouring every moment.

"You'll be the death of me woman!" He moans into my mouth.

"I love you Zane." I say giving him a last kiss on his forehead. I give him a tight hug and kiss his cheek.

He lifts me onto the couch and descends to the kitchen. I scroll through Netflix and pause on the The Witcher.


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