Chapter 11 - In a long time

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I wake up from the sun shining in my eyes. Suddenly my phone rings and I look at the caller ID. Unknown Number

I don't usually answer unknown numbers but maybe it's important. I pick up my phone and answer it.

"Veronica Herondale. Hi honey. I haven't seen you in a long time."

No! No! I thought this was over! Why?

"Leave me alone!" I yell

"Oh baby. I can never do that. You're just to precious."

"Why are you calling me? Where did you get my number?!" I yell again.

"I've never left you honey. And I never will. See you soon." He says with a laugh before the line dies.

My breath hitches as tears stream from my eyes. I thought he was dead. I thought I was safe. I thought everything was done.

I rush downstairs and find Zane in the kitchen. He turns around with the most beautiful smile on his face but the second he sees me his features turn into worry.

"Love what's wrong? What happened?"

"He called." I sag softly bot meeting his eyes.

"Who called?"

I can't form a complete sentence to explain to Zane who called. I struggle to breath and my tears just keeps flowing.

Zane comes closer to me and take my face in between his hands.

"Veronica look at me. Who called you?"

"Him..." is all I can say. I bury my face in his chest and cry my eyes out.

He pulls me closer and wraps his arms around me. I feel safe in his arms but I know that I can't stay here any longer.

After awhile of standing like this Zane pulls away and looks at me.

"Please tell me babygirl."

I sigh and he leads me to the couch in the living room. He sits down and pulls me onto his lap.

"When I was four years old I was taken from the orphanage. A man came and said he is family so I went with him. I thought that I finally found my family. But when he took me to his home, he threw me in a sell. He didn't feed me. He didn't take care of me and I stayed there for a few week. The only thing I got was water. After a week he came in and hurt me. He would hit me and he would...he would touch me in inappropriate places. I asked him to stop but every time I spoke he would hit me harder. It went on for about six months and finally the police came and took me back to the orphanage. The police said they couldn't find him."

Zane looks at me and kisses my forehead. He pulls me closer into his arms and I feel really safe.

"When I turned thirteen another man came to the orphanage and also said I was his family. I was scared to go with him but Ma'am insisted. He took me to the same house and I knew I was in trouble again. He took me straight to the same sell I was in when I was four and I sat there for about a week and then a man came in and I instantly remembered him from the first time. The hid from the police when they came to fetch me the first time. He tortured me for weeks on end. Every third day I got food. He would tie me to a chair and hit me with everything he could get a hold of. He forced himself on me and I couldn't say anything. I was there for a year and a half and then the police came again. They said they found a large amount of blood on the floor so he was probably injured and would die from blood loss because they couldn't find him either. I thought he was dead. I hoped he wad dead then this morning he called me. He said he would see me soon. I think it's him that wrote the notes as well."

Tears are streaming down my face like never before. I have never told anyone this besides the police. Zane just hold me tight against his chest and comforts me.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you babygirl. I won't let him take you again. You are safe here."

I feel my eyes getting droopy and I melt into Zane's touch. "Sleep Love." He says and I close my eyes knowing I'll be safe.


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