Chapter Fifteen: Water and treachery

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𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

What the hell just happened?

I slowly removed my elbow from my eyes and was caught by a wave of smoke.

I started coughing as I waited for the smoke to dissipate, I saw a bad sight. Lying on the ground was Jessica with bruises everywhere on her hands, face and arms. They were cuts that were not very deep but looked excruciatingly painful.

I ran towards her and kneeled down next to her to feel her pulse, my heart was beating like crazy and tears were falling from my eyes.

She's still breathing.

I tried picking her up, but when I touched her skin she screamed out in pain.

Which means I can't pick her up.

That left me with one option seeing the her breathe was quickly becoming shallow and her heartbeat was getting slower, I had to  turn to a part of me for help that I buried a long time ago.

This would mean potential trouble but I have to do this.

I closed my eyes and put my hands on her chest, I slowly applied pressure and focused on healing her. A orange light appeared and glowed on her chest, taking the symbol of the fire nation my home.

Within a few minutes it dissapeared and I patiently waited for her to recover and come back.

Nothing happened.

𝐂𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬' 𝐏𝐎𝐕
I woke up at the middle of the night to check if Jess was back when I saw Storm exiting her room.

I instantly went to spy mode.

What the fuck was she doing in Jess's room? I followed her down stairs and outside the house, where is she going at this time of the night?

I saw a man approaching her as she stood behind the house near the forest when I almost fainted.

Wearing a black long cloak was the giant freak of nature, Daniel.

What's he doing here?

I got closer to listen in to their conversation.

" How is it going?" Daniel asks looking down at Storm.

" Dangerously great, although I must say she's easy bait I really don't know what you saw in her." Storm replies rolling her eyes.

He growled lowly before grabbing her neck"do not do something you will regret, stick to the plan!"

She rolled her eyes again.

"I'm just having a little innocent fun, and relax I'm not going to do anything to her yet."

" Good!"

I felt my heart drop to my stomach what the hell are they planning? Whatever it is I need to tell Jess and Amelia about it.

Although besides this whole conversation something fishy is going on between the two of them. I can't get the fact that they were standing too close to each other for a brother and sister.

Something is definitely going on here.

𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
The sun was setting slowly in the near mountains and still there was no sign of life on Jess.

I was now a crying and shaking mess.

My heart had  been beating out of my chest while my brain did not want to believe that something bad had happened to her, or even worse that she might be gone.

I couldn't think like that.

"Jessica please wake up" I cried gently hitting her cheeks the same way I had been doing for the past two hours.

Still no reaction.

" Please I cannot go through this again, I can't live without you please wake up, I'm begging you." No sign of life on her body.

" You can't go not now, not like this. I need you, I love you Jessica please. I want to wake up everyday like today, I want to see your beautiful smile light your face and the sun shining on you when you are sleeping naked next to me. Please don't go." I said lying my head on he chest listening to the shallow beating of her heart.

"Are you going to propose?" I heard Jess say. I quickly got up to see her looking at me with one eye open and smiling.

"So you do cry?" She saif as her smile turned into a grin.

I started slapping her and she raised her hands in defense"how dare you do that to me I thought you were dying." I said raining on he with slaps while  she just giggled.

" I'm sorry....... Ouch.. that hurts... Okay I'm sorry" she said I'm between laughs.

I stopped slapping her now and she immediately straddled me.

" Relax yin I didn't die, anyways you didn't tell me you could do the cool fire trick you did there. I thought the was reserved for the royals of the fire nation only how did you do that?" She asked me the question I was hoping wouldn't come.

" It's a long story." I said brushing my neck.

" You'll tell me right?"

" Yeah sure I will. Did you know you can do what you just did though?"

" Nope"

" We need to take you home I need to talk to Stephen about something important."

This has very dangerous if Jess has those types of powers, I need to talk to Stephen about it.


After talking Jessica home and her begging me to stay I had finally made it back home.

I needed to talk to Stephen urgently.

I walked in the kitchen to find him wiping a sword he had received as a gift, from our father. Someone we barely spoke of.

" I see someone is in a good mood." He said smirking as I sat down on the dinning table in front of him.

"We need to talk" I said completely ignoring what he just said.

" About what?"

Before I could continue Chris barges inside panting and out of breath. He looked like he ran a marathon.

" We need to talk!" He said when he had caught his breathe.

Stephen and I looked at each other.

" Sure sit down" Stephen ordered Chris to the chair next to him. " Are you okay?"

" I'm fine Steph don't worry, I think Daniel and Storm are planning something."

" Who is Storm?" Stephen asked confused.

" Daniel's sister" Chris answered.

Stephen and I exchanged looks again.

"What?!" Chris asked looking confused.

"Daniel doesn't have a sister." I replied.

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