Chapter Ten: The necklace with memories

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𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐜𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
My life now revolves around seeing Amelia which happens everyday, and since nowadays my father has his meetings outside the house and Chris is visiting it feels like heaven.

Today we decided to have a change of scenery since Dad is gone and the guards in the house don't even notice when we are gone, we decided to go to Amelia's place Chris and Stephen went for a walk apparently that has lasted for three hours but who is counting?

Anyway Amelia and I are chilling in her room and no nothing has happened yet. We are just cuddling and talking.

" You know you freak  me out why is it that every time I am with you, you always look into my eyes and nowhere else?" I asked while laying on her lap.

" You know I can get freaky in a lot of ways one which involves me and you in a room, naked. I love looking into your eyes they remind me of someone who filled a void in my heart." She said while playing with my hair.

" Ohh I wonder who that is" I askedwith my cheeks burning red.

" Why are you blushing I didn't say it was you"

" Whatever" I rolled my eyes playfully.

" I'm joking it is you, it has always been you." She kissed me lips. Her soft lips against mine felt like heaven on a whole new level, that I can not explain or put into words but you know it's real when you can not explain it.

She pulled away sooner than I would have wanted, I was going to grab her and kiss her when I saw something shine in the corner of the room. I got up and went to pick it up.

" Hey where are you going?" She asked as she held my waist, and laid her chin on my shoulder. That is when I saw what it was.

A necklace one of the necklaces I saw in my dreams there it was in my hands. It was a diamond shaped heart, the diamond was blue it had a gold crown like shape on top. That's when it all came back suddenly my heart was racing and I couldn't breathe.

I tried holding my neck and backing away from her so I could have some air, but I could feel my wind pipes closing down, the room was spinning I felt dizzy. There I was sitting on the floor with the memories flooding back to my head, she was kneeling in front of me begging me to breathe but her voice was muffled by the screams in my head that is when it all came back.

Hitting me like a bus.  She placed her hand on my heart and I could see a glowing gold light, as my heart slowed it's pace back to normal and I could breathe again.

" Babe hey are you okay? What happened?" She asked as she held me into a hug while stroking my hair.

" I remember." Those were the only words I could get out of my mouth.

𝐀𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐚'𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕
We were in my room talking and chilling, when Jess got up to see the necklace glowing in the corner of the room. At first I did not think she would remember it or realise what it meant, but when I saw her eyes widen in shock I knew she remembers something.

The next thing she was on the floor gasping for air, screaming she can not breathe I try telling her to breathe with me but that was a lost cause since she started heating up and turning purple. I knew I had to help her with my powers even if I promised I would not reveal them to her but I can't let her die.

I placed my hand on her chest over her heart and rehearsed an ancient spell to calm her, and by the look of how she returned to color it worked now I just had some serious explaining to do. So to divert her attention from what I just did I asked if she was okay.

" Babe hey are you okay? What happened?" I pulled her into a hug and stroked her hair then she replied causing my heart to go a hundred and eighty beating like crazy.

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