"What if it was just me and not my heart?" You raised an eyebrow.

"Then it's somebody else, honey. Not me." He smirked.

".. let's see, I wish you luck for the meeting too, Tony." You nodded, smiling.

"I'm always here for you, my love. No matter what. Goodbye." Tony winks, and you give him a flying kiss, declining the call. You sighed heavily, dropping the phone aside and laying on the couch. "Four months. Alright, it's not gonna be hard, right Y/N?"

— Two Months Left —

Finally, two months were gone, another two were left to survive without him. You were just busy in your own work, watching TV and doing some chores to distract yourself from Tony's absence. You originally had slight dark circles from the lack of sleep, because you felt impatient and overwhelmed at night. It was so impossible to sleep without him. Yawning and feeling weak, you picked up the plates and then kept it in the cupboards, till suddenly, you felt a strange feeling. You stood in the same position for a while, trying to revaluate what's happening.

It felt as if someone arrived. Was it..

"Miss Y/N. Someone has entered your house." JARVIS's voice blared in the room.

You rushed out of the kitchen, running downstairs and arrive at the main room, smiling and calling out Tony if he was there for real. You did feel that by yourself, but, did your heart too?

You were wrong, that wasn't Tony. It was Nat, who came to see you.

"Hey, Y/N!" Natasha smiled, and extended her arms for a hug. You shake your head in that belief that Tony might have come back, but at least, Nat was also your close friend, at least you have someone by your side too.

You approach her for the hug, and then both pull back. "You okay? Is Tony away for the business meeting?"

"Yeah.. it's been two months now. Two more to go but, it feels like.. empty." You look around the mansion, it sure was lonely without Tony.

"I can understand, Y/N. But don't worry, Tony knows he misses you too, he'll come back in no time." Natasha assured you, relaxing you and giving a comforting pat.

"Thank you, Nat. I really miss him, and I hope he comes back. Because.. I feel incomplete again." You shook your head, trying not to break into tears again. Natasha felt your sadness, and hugged you back comfortingly.

"It's gonna be okay, Y/N. It'll be all okay. Trust me." Natasha whispered, kept on hugging you.

"Say, to distract yourself from your loneliness these months, would you hangout? To make you feel a bit better?" Nat asked.

"Sure, why not! After a long time, I need a damn break." You chuckled, agreeing to join Nat.

"Okay, get yourself ready. We'll have so much fun, alright?" Natasha cheered.

"Yeah!" You smiled happily, going upstairs to get ready for going out with Nat.

— Time Skip —

After spending the whole day out with Nat, you arrive back home, dropping your bag and the coat on the couch, and went upstairs to get changed. Getting into comfortable clothes, you land on the bed, rubbing the empty side of the bed. You didn't wanted to leave your sleep improperly again. You take out your mobile again, and video call Tony again.

He picks it up, seeing him on the couch. "Hey, babe."

"Hey, Tony. I can't sleep." You said in a croaked voice.

"Really? You miss me that much?" He smiled.

"Of course, Tony. It's not even easy to live without you for four months straight."

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