Chapter 30 | Walburga

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"I CANT BELIEVE YOU LYRA!" Amelia exclaimed wide eyed at her aunt. Both hanging in the balcony of the noble house of Blacks watching the muggle children play with snow.

"THERE'S nothing to not believe in it Amelia" Lyra whined a little "I cant just go and talk to my mother's portrait!"

"OH come on.. its christmas!" Amelia urged. Lyra shook her head not giving in. Amelia scowled leaving, ignoring Lyra's calls after her. Amelia rushed to the living room to find Harry and Teddy playing in one corner and Estella painting her nails in the other.

AFTER that night Amelia hadnt talked to Estella at all because she was the reason Amelia was stuck in such a situation. Estella tried to apologise a lot but Amelia wouldnt forgive. Its been three days since then and they both hadnt said a word to each other at all. But right now Amelia needed something really important.

AMELIA inhaled sharply and marched towards Estella, who saw her coming from the corner fo her eyes and turned to her in question. Amelia looked down at her cousin with a monotone expression and said "I'll forgive you, just on one condition."


"MUM!" Estella exclaimed going towards her mother urgently, she firstly made sure no one was around "Amelia had broken her ankle! She cant walk!"

LYRA'S eyes widened as she rushed with her daughter to where Amelia was. Climbing several stairs and going to the whole different part of the house Lyra saw Amelia sitting on the floor smiling at the wall in front of her. "Amelia!"

Act mode on Amelia!

"OW! Lyra I cant walk! Help me!" Amelia cried clutching to her ankle. Lyra rushed quickly towards her niece crouching in front of her holding her ankle softly and worriedly. But she heard another familiar voice.

"L-LYRA? Is that y-you?"

AMELIA watched her grandmother in the portrait become paler as ever, her eyes bulging out, meanwhile Lyra froze on spot. Her stomach dropped on hearing her mother's voice. Lyra's wide eyed looked up at Amelia, who offered her a little faint smile, with her lips slightly quivering Lyra turned to the portrait of her mother.

A loud gasp erupted from the portrait of Walburga Black seeing her daughter standing in front of her alive. A faint whisper escaped Lyra's lips with her eyes being tear welled "Mother.."

"L-LYRA I thought you were- you were-" Walburga couldnt bring more words out as the tears already started falling from her eyes in the portrait. Amelia could see how the woman just wanted to jump out of the frame and hug her daughter. Meanwhile Lyra too looked extremely overwhelmed and tearful. She could just break any moment.

"H-HOW?" Walburga questioned in utter shock watching her daughter, whom she assumed to be dead for years, was standing in front of her all well. Amelia wiped the tears which she didnt know when fell out and began "Well, there's something happened years ago, that shouldn't have happened.."

AMELIA explained the story of how Lyra's death was faked hy Dumbledore, who obliviated her and sent her to America, away from everybody, how Lyra lived with a new name and identity with her daughter all those years until when Amelia found out the truth.

WALBURGA was in a complete state of shock, fury, and despair, she didnt know about her daughter being alive all those years, all because of that old hag. Lyra gave Amelia the look through tears, on how she tricked her to come and meet Walburga.

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