Footsteps kept me tense until a man walked in from behind the door and my blood ran cold. It was the man I tried to rob. Was I in this guy's house?

"Hey Sweetie-"

I began to silently panick, but I didn't show it. We stared at eachother for a moment before he fully stepped into the room, also revealing that he held a tray of sandwiches, some apple and a glass of water.

I tried to pull my legs up, to move as far away as I could but I hissed as the ankle throbbed in pain and I forced to put it back down. The man winced and went to reach out but pulled back, obviously sensing my discomfort 

He put the tray and the glass of water down on the table next to me

"Sweetie, it's ok, I know you're scared right now and you have no idea whats going on but I'm not gonna hurt you"
"Why am I here- where am I??"
I yelled at him making me head ache even more, I held it in my hands.
"You hit your head quite badly and I brought you back to my house to get you bandaged up"
"Who are you?"
I said, with the same amount of anger, just quieter cause my head hurt.

"My name is Andrew, what's yours sweetie?"
"Thats a very nice name Jamie, now can you tell me just quickly, what your pronouns are?"
I was a little taken aback.
"Um.. they/them, I'm nonbinary"
"Thank you, I didn't want to assume"

The man smiled awkwardly at me, I showed him nothing back. The faster I can get outta here the better.

He gestured towards to tray and the small plate of sandwiches with the crusts cut off
"Please have some, you should try eat something... its just ham but if you'd prefer something else you can say"

I had a little hesitation but my hunger got the better of me and I grabbed two slices of sandwiches and began scarfing them down.

Andrew chuckled at me and I grimaced at him. He went back to more serious talk.
"Now... where are your parents little one"
I got immediately snappy again, talking with my mouth full.
"Don't call me little one! And don't call me sweetie either"
"Ok, I'm sorry Jamie, now where are your parents"

I swallowed and shuffled a little growing more uncomfortable
"I don't have any-"
I puffed my cheeks in a quick breath
"Look, thanks for the bandages and the food and shit but can I please just go"

He gave me the most pitiful look and I scowled.
"I do just fine by myself, I don't need your pity"
I scoffed, he scoffed right back.
"But, you do need some proper rest, your going nowhere on that ankle tonight, it's only twisted but I wouldn't want it getting worse, and you probably have a concussion. I can't in my right mind let a kid-"

"I'm not a kid-"
I tried to say, mumbling but he caught me up on it.
"You shouldn't interupt, it's rude"
He said sternly but calmly, I shut up for the time being, but continued eating the last bits of the sandwich and moving onto the apple slices.

"As I was saying, I can't let you back out there in this state. Unless you have another proper place to go, you can stay here, but I'm not letting you back onto the streets, it's dangerous... now what were you trying to say"

I mumbled again.
"M'noh a kid"
He didn't catch it
"I'm sorry dear, could you repeat that"

A little annoyed at the new name he'd pulled out I yelled again.
"I'm not a kid!"
Bit of a mistake as my headache spiked and I regretfully whined, clutching the sides of my head in pain.

"Ok I hear you, let's maybe quiet down, so we're not hurting your head. Just speak a bit more clearly, how old are you?"

I sighed
"I'm 17"
Andrew got loud and I covered my ears with a little grunt. He immediately went back down in volume.
"Sorry kiddo, that's just a bit shocking"

I'm not a puppy! (age regression)Where stories live. Discover now