*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 𝐝𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝐧𝐝

Start from the beginning

when the girl arrives at the right station, she hurries out of the metro and runs to her work. she walks in through the back door and quickly grabs an apron from the hangers, throwing her bag in one of the lockers and putting her hair in a bun.

"there you are!"

the familiar voice of her boss is heard when he walks in, smiling at the girl. "good to have you here! You can be in charge of the hot coffees today," her boss says, pointing at the door. "good luck!"

y/n nods at her boss and walks into the café. she says a quick 'hello' to all her co-workers and gets in place. the boss opens the store and some customers come in.

time to start her long morning of making coffees.

❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅ ❆ ❅

after a short break and working for a couple more hours, y/n is almost ready with her shift. she looks at the clock in front of her. just a couple more minutes.

y/n grabs one of the christmas decorated cups and starts making the coffee, a grande caramel macchiato. that's the one she gets a lot as well.

the female smiles as she puts caramel on top of the drink. she then grabs one of the lids and puts that on the cup, reading the name and then placing it down on the counter.


a guy her age walks up to her. and as soon as he looks up and his honey eyes meet the girl's e/c ones, a smile forms on his lips.

"hey, nice to see you again."

a blush forms on y/n's cheeks. "hey," she mumbles, looking at the clock. seven more minutes.

the guy, probably with the name bokuto as that's on his cup, takes his cup from the counter and winks. "thanks. see you around."

with that, he walks away from the girl. y/n quickly gets back to her work, shaking her head a little while she creates the next hot drink.

he's even cuter with a beanie.

seven minutes later, the female finally walks to the back to get her stuff. she has a short conversation with her boss about her working extra tomorrow, which she accepts. it's not like she has anything to do anyway so might as well work and earn some money.

two minutes later, she walks behind the counter and grabs the coffee that she made for herself before her shift ended. it's not really allowed but at least my boss let's me.

y/n walks away from the counter and walks through the store, towards the exit, as a voice holds her back.

"hey, wait up!"

y/n looks up and sees the guy from yesterday. bokuto, that was his name. bokuto is wearing a beanie right now. it is quite cold, after all.

"i've never seen you work here before?" the male asks, which makes y/n nod.

"i just started here, this is my third shift. i have worked at the place before when i was back at home, but it's my first week here in japan," she says, making bokuto nod.

"makes sense."

y/n smiles a bit, looking at the coffee in her hand. why is it so awkward? yesterday we seemed just fine. maybe it's because it was late and she was tired.

"want to sit down together? uh– i mean, only if you've got time... whatever you want to do is fine."

the female nods. she points to the door, "fancy going for a walk instead?"

the male smiles, then opening the door and holding it open for her. "of course. after you!"

they start walking into a random direction. y/n doesn't really mind where they're going. as long as she can spend some more time with the cute guy, she doesn't really mind.

"what brings you to tokyo? you're not from around here, right?"

y/n laughs and shakes her head, taking a sip from her coffee.

"no, i'm not."

"you don't really sound foreign," bokuto says, looking into the distance with a questionable look. he turns his head towards y/n, "how come?"

"i was born here. not in tokyo, but in sendai," y/n explains, turning her head towards bokuto for a short time and smiling. "i lived in england for a couple of years."

bokuto's eyes widen, "holy shit! that's so cool! where?"

"london, because my mum's from there. my parents decided to move there when i finished middle school. they thought i could go to university there instead of japan."

bokuto nods, "that is pretty cool, though... i wish i lived somewhere else! i've been in japan basically all my life. even in tokyo all the time."

y/n chuckles, "that's still cool. i love tokyo! i'm glad i live here now. it's better than london."

"is england not fun then?" bokuto frowns, "i always thought england was quite cool!"

"oh, it is cool! i loved living there, but i just like tokyo more. i've lived in japan until i was eighteen but randomly moved to england for university. i never finished it because i decided that i wanted to go to japan and study game design here."

bokuto widens his eyes, "yo, that is so cool! i wish i was as smart as you to go to university."

y/n turns her head to bokuto, "you've never been to university before?"

he shakes his head, "no. i was too busy to go to university, so i continued with playing sports."

y/n smiles, "that's also cool. i mean, it's not required to go to university anyway. whatever anyone desires, right?"

the male nods with a smile, "of course."

without both noticing, they ended up in front of y/n's apartment again.

"oh, we're back at your home," bokuto says, looking up. "i guess i walked you home again, then."

y/n chuckles, "yeah, i guess you did."

it's silent for a while.

the female is happy that she got to spend some time with the guy again. she still feels a little awkward, as they haven't properly introduced themselves yet.

and should she give him her number? that might be a little weird... right?

maybe not. y/n honestly has no idea.

"well, it's time for me to go. i got to go to work soon," the guy says, turning around to walk away.

"it was nice seeing you again, y/n-chan."

bokuto turns his head around one more time, then winks and starts walking away.

a blush forms on y/n her cheeks again, and she hides her face in her scarf. so he did notice her name on her apron.

yet again, y/n fails in getting the guy his number.

why can't she just ask him?!

_____ .・。.・゜.・゜・。. _____

" 02.12.2021 "

i won't be home tonight so i'm uploading the chapter now! please let me know what you think of this, because your feedback is what motivates me! i have so many more things planned for this story and i don't think anyone will guess what it is teehee☺️😎 but i think y'all will like it. have a lovely day guys <3

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