Chapter 8: The Birth of The Rainbooms

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It has been a couple of months ever since everybody has witnessed the battle out in the front of Canterlot High school and the discovery of magic in the Human World. Ever since, the (Hu) Mane 6 have been more popular around the school as people were wondering just how six girls and one boy were able to transform into ponies like that. While nobody knew the answer, not even the victims themselves, nobody really let it bother them too much as they thought that all of the magic was over. . . or was it?

Right now, we see (Y/N) and Flash Sentry walking across the hall together carrying some instruments that looked to be guitar cases.

Flash Sentry: Hey, bro. You wanna hang with me and some of the others during lunch today. You know the musical showcase is coming up and it has been awhile since we played our guitars when you were in our band. Remember, sophomore year?

(Y/N): Yeah, that was a blast. How can I forget? Also, about lunch I'd be glad to, but I was speaking with Rainbow earlier today and she wanted to talk to me along with the other girls, so I have to decline the invite.

Flash Sentry: Understandable. You know, you've been hanging out with them more than I've anticipated lately.

(Y/N): Is that a problem?

Flash Sentry: Nah. It's just that you've been apart from them for so many months up until just recently that it's still kind of hard to get used to the fact that you're with your five girlfriends again. We've hung out less often than we usual do with some others like Sandalwood, Brawly Beats or even Micro Chips.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Well, it's not like our friendship is going to drift apart now that I've rekindled my relationship with my girlfriends. I'll still keep in touch because that's what friends are for.

A faint blush then appears on (Y/N)'s cheeks as he was just thinking about one familiar girl that he met and he looks up slightly as well.

(Y/N): A-At least. . . that's what someone special told me. . .

Flash notices (Y/N)'s daydreaming as he gives him a playful smirk.

Flash Sentry: Oooh~ Someone's thinking about their girlfriend from another world~

(Y/N) flinches from that and regains his composure before he glares at Flash slightly annoyed from his teasing as he clenches his teeth.

(Y/N): She's not my girlfriend!

Flash Sentry: Heh, says you. . . Prince who danced with the Princess of the Fall Formal. . .

(Y/N) looks away from Flash, still blushing and he grumbles as he had nothing to counter with that. Suddenly, the both of them noticed a girl with moderate cerise eyes, moderate cobalt blue hair with brilliant opal stripes, light yellowish gray skin, with dark purple glasses pass them. This was Vinyl Scratch, but the school likes to call her DJ Pon-3 since she is the school DJ.

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