End of Equestria Girls Arc: Goodbye For Now

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With everyone except for the (Hu) Mane 7 going back inside for the Fall Formal, (Y/N) was now on the steps to the front entrance as he sat down with Sunset Shimmer wanting to have a chat with her.

Sunset Shimmer: W-What did you want to talk with me about, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I wanted to ask you a question. Why'd you do it? After all that I heard from you being jealous of Twilight and I in your demonic form, was there a really a time that you had a terrible past in her world?

Sunset Shimmer: *nods* Everything that I said was true. My life in Equestria wasn't good to me at all and I'm guessing that Twilight has told you and your girlfriends who she really is in Equestria?

(Y/N): Yeah. She filled me in on what Equestria is like and that an identical pony version of me resides there too. I don't know absolutely everything, but I do know about the Earth Ponies, Pegasi, Unicorns, and Alicorns. Tell me how exactly your life was before coming here to our world.

Sunset Shimmer: Y-You want to listen to me. . . and my story.

(Y/N): Sunset, I know that you and I haven't really had the best interactions in the past, but I really want to know because I want to help however I can. If you don't want to talk about it right now, I would understand, but unless you tell me I won't be able to help out for what you feel ashamed for.

Sunset looks down to the ground in guilt as she was a little hesitant to tell her past to (Y/N), but she knew that he wouldn't be so ignorant about it now since he really wants to know. She then sighs before facing (Y/N).

Sunset Shimmer: Okay. . . I'll tell you what my life was like in Equestria.

(Y/N): I'm all ears.

Sunset Shimmer: I was born in the Canterlot that takes place in Equestria and raised by a wealthy family of nobles. I know if anyone were to hear that at first they would think that my life is amazing. . . but it wasn't. That's because. . . my parents abandoned me.

(Y/N) eyes widened in shock from that as it nearly made him jump.

(Y/N): Abandoned?! How?!

Sunset Shimmer: From what Princess Celestia told me back when I was studying with her in Equestria, I was left there at the castle as a filly without any sort of note or reason. I was found by a couple of ponies that are guards in the royal palace and was brought inside to be shown to Princess Celestia. She thought about it for some time before placing me with a wealthy family. Being brought over to them, they first reacted to being excited to have me as a child that they always wanted, but. . . after a few years had passed. . . they started abusing me instead.

(Y/N): That's. . . That's just. . . I can't describe how discouraging to you that must may be. What did they do?

Sunset Shimmer: They started treating me more as their slave than their own daughter in a family. They would make work vigorously day and night and always make sure that I would never fail or even be below the top in any of my classes. All I ever wanted was for them to love just once. . . but they never did.

All (Y/N) could do was stare at Sunset in shock for how mistreated she must have been and even some thoughts circled in his mind as his past is no where as bad as hers.

Sunset Shimmer: Even doing all of those things to try and make them proud wasn't enough, so I then enrolled in Princess Celestia's School of Gifted Unicorns to see if anything would change.

(Y/N): What did you do while enrolled in that school?

Sunset Shimmer: Well, first I had to use my magic to try and make a phoenix egg hatch. I thought it would be challenging, but what surprised me was that I was able to do on the first try which also surprised the judges. Right after that, I got my Cutie Mark and discovered my special talent in magic. I decided to pursue that and it even led me to getting the attention of Princess Celestia who approached me one day and asked me if I was willing to be her personal student. It was like a dream come true to be asked something like that as I was able to work under THE Princess Celestia and finally get the attention from my adoptive parents like I always wanted.

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