Chapter 2: Getting to Know Each Other

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With having only a few days until the portal is closed for good, the plan of getting the crowns back has just started as (Y/N), Spike, and Twilight entered the school building, however (Y/N) looks behind him and sees that Twilight was having a little trouble walking as she was swaying back and forth a little.

(Y/N): You okay there?

Twilight Sparkle: Yes, it's just. . . It's not easy to walk in this new form of mine.

(Y/N) looks at Twilight with knowing that's probably true, but he then get's an idea as he takes her hand in his.

(Y/N): In that case, why not just hold my hand until you feel like that you're more comfortable walking on your own?

Twilight blushes once more with holding hands with (Y/N) as this is something that she would do normally do with her (Y/N) back in her world. It was really hard for her not to feel too comfortable around him, however every time she does it, she can't help but smile.

Twilight Sparkle: Um. . . Th-Thanks, (Y/N).

(Y/N): Heh, no problem. Now first things if you're going to be in this school for even a day, we need to get you a cover story.

(Y/N) says this as he leads down the school's main lobby while she raises an eyebrow.

Twilight Sparkle: A cover story? How come?

(Y/N): Well, as much as I would just want to make this all easy for you, no one but me is probably going to believe that you come from another world where magic exists.

Spike: Why not?

(Y/N): Even though I'm probably one of the most popular people in this school, people might laugh and call me crazy if I just straight up tell them that you're a pony princess that came to get a couple of lost crowns without any proof. So, we've got to lay low and not draw any suspicions from us at all. Got it?

Twilight Sparkle: Got it. I'll try my best to act natural.

Spike: It won't be simple, but I'll try too.

(Y/N): *smiles* Great. Now about your cover story. . .

(Y/N) thinks to himself for a second before he get's a bright idea.

(Y/N): I've got it! How about we say that you're someone that I just met coming from a town way outside of the city and that you moved here because of your family not getting enough money to keep their jobs in check.

Twilight Sparkle: That's a great idea. But what about the school? Didn't you say that Sunset Shimmer is a student here?

(Y/N): Yes, but we can't just recklessly go and get the crown straight away. We don't even know where they are or if their even hidden somewhere in the school. That's why I came up with the plan of enrolling you here as a typical student.

Twilight Sparkle: That makes sense. So how do you exactly plan on enrolling me in the high school?

(Y/N): All we need to do is go see Principal Celestia and-

After saying those two words, realization came to (Y/N) as he forgot the main reason for even being to school at the first as he let's go of Twilight's hand and puts both of his hands over his head.


Twilight Sparkle: Forgot what, (Y/N)? What's the matter?

He then looks at Twilight with a sheepish smile while rubbing his hand behind his head.

(Y/N): I, uh. . . Kinda am sort of late to being here to school because of some technical difficulties with my alarm clock leading me to oversleeping. . . So now I have to go and see the principal before I'm marked absent for an unknown reason. Besides, Principal Celestia actually knows me too well that I'm not the person to sleep in on purpose.

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