Lesson Learned

Beginne am Anfang


"its easy"

"no its not" 

"yes it is" he hugged me from behind "what would you do without me?"

"die alone"

"no you wouldnt"

"yes I would"

"your to beautiful to die alone"

oh fuck im blushing.. "I know, its just that i dont love anyone else"


"but why'd you ask"

"I was just curious of your response"

"im curious to know why you love me"

"um... lets see where to start"


"if you dont fucking answer me in the next minute im leaving you!" i said

"i have a answer theres just so much to choose from"

"you better hurry up"

"ok ok. 1.I love how beautiful your eyes are.

2. I love the way I can’t imagine a day without you in my life.

3. I love the way if we were ever separated I wouldn’t know how to go on.

4. I love the way we cuddle and watch sunsets together. well we did that twice.

5. I love the way we sometimes stay up all night and just talk

6. I love how I know you’ll always be there when I need you to be.

7. I love the fact that I will always be there for you too.

8. I love how when I dream of my life partner, the only person that I can see is you.

9. I love how complete I feel when I am with you.

10. I love how our bodies just fit together.

11. I love the way you make me laugh.

12.I love the way you laugh.

13.I love you for you.."

"excuse me while i grab a tissue"

He laughed "dont cry"

"that meant alot.."

"because i.love.you"

"i love you too"

"now what?" he hugged me somemore

"I'll be fine if we just lay on the couch and cuddle"

"ok, turn the lights off, close that curtain and lets go"

"you want it to be dark?"

"why not.. you can put a movie on if you want"

"nope, we're getting under that blanket, cuddling, and kissing"

"what ever you want.." 

I closed the blind, turned the light off and grabbed the blanket "come on"

He laid down on the bottom and i climbed on top putting the cover over us fully.. head to toe. I giggled as his lips pushed on my cheek.

"oops, thats not your lips"

"no, these are" i connected them to his. 


"Im letting her go rather you like it or not" i crossed my arms leaning on the dresser.

You Want My W-What? |3rd series to 'My Friends BF is My F*ck Buddy'| (BOOK 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt