Final Chapter Part1 (Chapter 35)

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I shake my head to tell them not to say anything too loud to get their dads attention. Damon scoots over to where I'm sitting and whispers " You ok mom?"  " Just a little cramp, nothing i cant handle and nothing to worry your dad over. Go back to you game."  He didn't move right away instead he squints his eyes at suspiciously but eventually went back to his game and sandwich. 

10 or so minutes later the kids are finish eating their sandwiches and are now leaning against something with a body part touching me releasing pheromones that seems to sooth my pain. Now I don't know if their knowingly doing it or just trying to comfort me and it happened but, I'm not feeling as much pain as I was earlier. 

"Fucking hell!!!" I scream after some minutes of comfort due to really sharp pains that suddenly took over my body. "Mom!!" the kids shout jumping up from off the ground, throwing their electronics to the floor and running to my side.

"Babe!!" Leo screams running out of the woods and towards us. 

He drops to his knees by my side and begins pulling my shorts off. 'What the hell are you doing!"  I'm taking your shorts off. You cant have a baby in shorts." he reply's in a duh tone of voice 

"Leo, the babies aren't coming. I'm just experiencing cramps, really painful cramps that all women do during pregnancies. My water haven't even broke yet."  and at that very moment my water broke, which caused Leonard to proceed in pulling my shorts off while stopping to give me a 'I told you so' look.  

The next 2 hours are spent controlling my breathing and being fingered (not really) by Leonard claiming to be checking how far apart my contractions where. 

After another 2 hours the need to push have become undoubtedly unbearable. Leonard have called the pack doctor, telling him to get here as fast as he can. Meanwhile the kids along with Leonard are covered from head to toe in garbage bags , with their hands stuffed in small clear plastic bags tied to their hands by rubber bands at their wrists.  

I'm spread out on multiple towels over 3 plastic bags, with pillows (I didn't even know he had those) tucked under my hips and legs to keep them elevated, according to Leo. 

There also pillows keeping my head and back leveled. Leonard Damon and also Dwacia are stooped down between my legs (against my many protests) looking down, with Dwacia looking like she's about to faint. 

 Leonard sticks his plastic covered fingers inside my one more time before pulling them out again and shouting "Push!" to which I complied. 

20 pushes and a string of curse words thrown at Leonard in both English and patois(Creole) later, the first baby in out. 

" It's a boy!" shouts Damon causing Deshawn to start jumping up and down singing " I have a baby brother, I have a baby bother, and he looks just like me, and he looks just like me!!"

Leo hands the crying baby to Damon who moves to go clean him. " Your doing great honey, come on, push out another of my sons." and like he said 45 minutes later another boy was born. 

"Please Lord, not another boy! I ready have 4 boys and one girl, now 2 more boys are added to the mix! Oh god please let the last one be a girl!" I scream giving my last push

"Its a boy!"

"Fucking hell!!" I scream before passing out. 

When I woke up I found myself in a hospital gown tucked into a hospital bed, surrounded by sleeping adults and kids, with small cries coming from 3 cribs tucked into a far away corner of the room. 

 I shift in the bed trying to get in a more comfortable position, but in return startle both Leonard and Gus sleep.

" What is it, I'm not hungry!" They shout at the same time upon being startled awake. " Fucking finally!" Leo shouts once he was fully awake and realized I was up. He rushes over and engulfs me in a big hug, pulling me of the bed and in his arms." " God I missed you so much." 

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن