Chapter 31 (An Ass Whooping)

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One swings at my head but I duck and she hits one of the others in the face. She then gets a kick to the head from me. She lands on her ass just as a knife is swung at my head.
I duck then punch her in the stomach and while she is doubled over I grab the arm with the knife, bend it and jab my knee repeatedly into her shoulder dislocating it. When I wasn't attacked by any of the other girls, I used the dislocated arm to lock her in a chock hold until she passed out.

I turn to look at Leonard who is still sitting in his seat and shout "Where the fuck did she get a knife? You told me I couldn't bring any weapons with me."

Ken, you can't bring your own weapons because weapons are provided for you. They're over there." he answers pointing to a far corner of the arena that has shelves filled with weapons of all kind.

"Wh...why didn't you announce that earlier."
"I f-look out!" He shouts not being able to finish his sentence.

Spinning around quickly my eyes widen at what I'm looking at. The 2 females are now in their Wolf forms glaring and growling at me. I started backing up slowly but with every backwards step I take their growls and snarles become louder and louder.

The 3 of us just stood there staring at each, until I turn and begin running towards the weapons. The weapons were all the way in a far corner of the arena and we were in the middle. I know I wasn't gonna make it, I just needed sometime to think about what I was gonna do.

I was tackled from behind but before the wolf could bite my leg, I turn over and use my legs to continually bash it in the wolf's head. While I was doing this the other wolf came over and bite me in my left arm and began shaking it's head. "Pussyclaat!" I shouted

The other wolf managed to bite me in the thigh. The crowd went silent and the kids were crying.

I use my right arm (thank god my dominant arm) to punch the wolf biting my left arm in the throat repeatedly. The wolf released my arm and began gagging and wheezing after the 6th blow to her throat.

Not wasting any time, I use this opportunity to punch the other wolf in the eye and ripping away my leg once she loosened her hold.

I then jump to stand up just in time to see the same wolf jumping at me. Side stepping her at the last minute, I kick her in the throat as she flew past me. Then I did the same to the other wolf.

I then turn and run the rest of the way to the weapons stand, and grabbed some bolts that look like very large and heavy rings (because they were the first thing I got to) and didn't know what to do with them. An idea popped into my head and I quickly put 2 on each finger.

I saw this in a Korean movie once. It was stared by that Korean female actor that stared in my favorite Korean movie 'Chocolate'. My favorite Korean TV show/series is 'Oh My Lady'. I've re-watched this about 10 maybe even more times. I love their relationship and wished there were more episodes. Anyways back to the fight.

I also put a knife in my left pocket and a metal brace that looks to be 4 inches long around my ankles and shorter ones around my wrists.
I turn around and just slightly missed a flying wolf. Immediatly after side stepping the first wolf, the other one bit at my arm. Pulling away my arm at the right moment I used my next hand to punch bitch no.1 in the face, jugular and side. The other wolf bites at me and again I side step her, grab her by the head, chock her a little bit then did something my uncle who's in the military taught me. I put enough pressure on the pressure point in her neck to knock her out.

I then got on top of bitch no.2 and continuously punch her in the face until she shouted "I yell!" immediately I stop punching her and the crowd went crazy. Every packs had disbelief on their faces except mine

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum