Chapter 12

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Keneshas Prov

The Next Day

It's only 8:15 in the morning and I'm already exhausted, you want to know why?
Well Leonard forgot to mention that he'll be having a important Business meeting today. And if your wondering why he has to tell me this, then let me explain.

Leonard has suits for different occasions, and he would tell me the occasion it will be, and I'd iron a pair for that specific occasion the night before. The occasions he has suits for are:

Suits for Local Businesses Meetings, suits for Parent-Teacher Meetings, suits for Abroad Business Meetings, suits for Social Gatherings, suits for dinner partys, suits for business dinners and suits for very special and fashionable events.

So, if he had told me about this meeting, I would have ironed a suit from the night before, But since he didn't tell me he had to wake me up at 5 in the morning to iron a pair of suits for a meeting that begins at 6.

I was so mad, I ironed his suits while cussing the shit out of him the entire time. I had, to let him know how pissed I was. He kept on apologizing and saying he won't do it again and stood behind me the entire time looking guilty. Though no matter how much he apologized I still cussed, and to make him feel even more guilty I did all this with crusts in my eyes, bad breath and a very messy hair.

I did it because he knows, I don't like doing any morning activities with bad breath and crusts in my eyes.

I wasn't going to make him any breakfast but he kept begged me to, and asked me to make extras for his meeting. Apparently his business partners love my egg and ham sandwiches.

I was in such a rush to make him breakfast, that I burned myself 4 times. I made sure to punch him 5 times for each burn on the same arm, in the same spot every time. When everything was finished and he was about to go, I gave him an extra punch to make myself feel better. He complained about his arm going numb if I continued to punch him. I only gave him a nasty look and said "shake it off".

I couldn't get back to sleep no matter how much I tried, so I did all the chores and was finished by 7. I then woke all the children to get them ready for eating out for breakfast. Let me tell you, it took me an hour to get them all up and into the shower. Once the kids were finished and began do put their clothes on, I left to take my own shower.

I'm currently standing in the shower with warm water beating down on my face to try and get rid of the exhausting feeling that has consumed my entire being.

Once I was finished with my shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my walk in closet to pick my outfit out. After 5 minutes of looking, I decided to wear jet black jeans with a pale pink sweater, a pale pink belt, my pale pink weage heels and my pale pink hand bag. I hate every other pink except pale pink. I also wore black shades, black dangling earrings and a black watch.

I got dressed and told the kids(who were not ready yet, except little Desh) to be down in 5 minutes. I got down stairs and was about to walk into the kitchen to make breakfast, when I remembered we're eating out today. 5 minutes later we're in the garage arguing about what car to drive.

"Let's drive the Tesla" said Desmon
"Which ones the Tesla?" I asked and all the kids gave me disbelief looks
"What?" Demon just shakes his head and points our the car. We stood there for another 3 minutes trying to decide which car to drive, until Deshawn grabbed a set of keys and shouted "Shut up, we're driving this one". I slapped him up the head and scolded him about raising his voice at his family like that. He apologized and we we're on our way.

The kids told me about a place their father would always take them whenever they eat out. They said, he said they cooked the best pancakes he's ever tasted. "OK, so where is this place?" They all turned to look at each other before Damon said "It's in a small town in the middle of the woods. The town has great diners and great food." he said almost hesitantly, almost like he wasn't sure if he should be telling me this.

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