Chapter 26

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"Like Leonard would ever go for someone like you. Fat and ugly, that'll just ruin his reputation. Plus she's black and we all know how much Luna Jason hates black people."a skinny bitch in a red dress mumbles to her friends who all then join in laughing.

Turning around "What the fuck did you just say? Why don't you say that to my face matches stick body looking ass girl."

Recap ends

She gasps "What did you just call me?"  "A matches stick body looking ass girl. What are you gonna do about it?" I say and begin walking over to the girl, who begins walking over to me. We continue to throw insults at each other until we were face to face, and just when I was about to swing at this Barbie for calling my family a bunch of broke ass niggas, someone's hand grabs my own and pulls me away from the woman.

Turning around to cuss the fuck out of who grabbed me, I stopped once I saw who it was.
It was Gus and he was glaring at the woman while she just stands there shaking.

He cusses her out briefly for using that kind of language, before telling her he'll finish dealing with her later and turns to face me.

His eyes soften and he apologizes on the behave of the woman, before we walk over to the balcony where the server guy is still standing, looking at me scared.

"You look great Ken, I love what you did with your hair."
"Thank you, and you look handsome as always. The hair, your daughters did that."
"I'm sure they did. " he says laughing and I join in because it is a very contagious laugh

We both quieted down a little afterwards and I went back to staring at the people on the dance floor, dancing horribly.

"So, why are you up here and not down there mingling ." he asks
"It's not like I can't mingle up here too, plus, I'm avoiding temptations."
"What temptations?"
"The door." I said in a obvious voice

Him along with server guy bursts out laughing. Turning to server guy I ask "What's your name? I never got your name."  "My names Brayden luna Queen."

"Would you stop with that. Just call me Ken or Kenesha."
"Yes ma'am."
We then fall into a comfortable silence before it was interesting by a familiar high pitch and annoying voice.

"Alpha!" the voice screams and Gus winces, poor guy
"oh god not here, please not here any where but here....I wonder if jumping from this hight will kill me?" I mumbled softly kissing my teeth

Good evening Alpha Gus. It's a pleasure seeing you here tonight, you know, since you didn't come to the last banquet that was held." she says pissing me off with her voice  "Please don't say shit to me, please don't say shit to me. Do anything but say shit to me." I pray quietly

Gus whispers "be nice and truthful." before turning around to greet the beast

"Lady Marrenette! How are you?"

"I'm quite fine Alpha, thank you for asking."
"Good evening Miss Thomason, we meet again. Didn't expect to see you here, what a small world we live in?"

"It's starting to feel too small for my liking." I mumbled but turned around none the less with a huge fake ass smile on my face

"Lady Marrenett, I was hopping I didn't have to see you again, and you, wearing another of your slutty uniforms I see."

"I thought I said to be nice and truthful?" Gus scolded "I am being truthful and as nice as I can be to someone like her. Not my fault the truth stings."

"Alpha, your just gonna let this COW talk to you like that?"

Now hold on a minute table spoon body. Are you talking about me?"

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Where stories live. Discover now