Chapter 3

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Kenesh's Prov
Before the club.

"What's the plan for tonight again?" asked one of my bestfriends Sannia "The plan is to go out, have some fun and catch up on the girls night out we've missed". "You do know that all those 'girls nights' you missed was because you wanted to work, or 'catch' up on missed out sleep!" said Sannia giving me the 'don't argue' face.

"Yeah!, I know" "Now that I think about it,I really do regret not taking vacation leaves or sick leaves." 

"Well not taking those vacation leaves is what lead to you getting this 3-4 years leave" "Which might I add, is totally ridiculous, and stupid.  Who have ever heard of a 3-4 years pay leave. " Said My next bestfriend Sabrina walking into the sitting room.  "You must be a very lucky gal"

"Are you trying to say I don't deserve it" I said jokingly while standing up from the couch and walking into the kitchen to make a sandwich.

"What,No!" "That's not what I'm saying at all. All I'm saying is it Sounds too good to be true, and I don't trust it." She said voicing her concerns

"And it could of helped that the hospital owner has a huge crush on you. " teased Sannia

"Well it's already been decided." "Besides, I have no problem with it. The hospital will be taking in alot of  inters for the next 2 years. They plan on having the inters do the same work as regular nurses but pay them less,  way less."

"What, that's not a good thing to do. Tricking people into working for less." Said Sannia with a disbelieve look on her face

"Yeah that's what their doing. They are just telling the workers it's a leave when it's not. And of course I got the est"  I said trailing off at the end "Huh, Now that I think of it, Mr.Breastline must have played a part in this" "Oh well, the papers hBe already been signed so, no more work" I said not really caring about Mr Breastline's intentions

"What if he comes looking for 'something' in return?" Sannia teased laughing, "Yeah, what if he wants like a daily blow job, or weekly sex for this favor." Said Sabrina laughing along with Sannia

I rolled my eyes at their antics "You guy more than know that I would NEVER, do something like that. " " Especially with that old perverted guy. " I said shuddering at the thought, then looking at Sabrina with a teasing smirk " And Sabrina, we all know that you are the only one out of all of us, that would do that."

"Hey!, If he's giving me long leaves I'll do it" she said jokingly while chuckling and leaning against the counter chewing on one of the sandwiches I've made.

"Do what?" asked Ishanti(my other,bestfriend) coming through the back door covered in mud and grass, with gardening tools in her hands. We all burst out laughing while she Trys cleaning as much mud as she can from her face. "We were just saying Sabrina is the only one of all of us, that would do sexual things with Mr. Breastbone. " I said while cleaning the counter. "Oh...., of course Sabrina would be the one to do that" She agreed ignoring the nasty look Sabrina was giving her, telling her not to agree.

"Anyways, what time are we leaving? I asked "And what's the name of this club."  " It's called Wolves Manner and we can leave around 8, since it's only a 1 hour drive." Ishanti said. 

"8 sounds good" "So are we calling a cab." asked Sabrina

"We live together, we can just car pool." I said stating the obvious

  Time skips to at the club

After the conversation in the kitchen, we all went to take care of our own businesses. We each then got ready and left earlier than planned,  it was around 7:45 or something like that when we left. When we got to the bar, we showed our IDs to the bouncer and got into a heated argument over whether or not Ishanti was really 33years old. Yes! If your wondering Ishanti does have the body and and face of a 16 year old despite being in her early 30s.

It's something we're all jealous over sometimes, which leads to playful arguments on whether she is secretly a vampire, a time traveler or unagable. I even once suggested that she go see medical professional to see if there is a medical condition for it. And being a health care worker, and wanting to tease my friend, I asked around my hospital to see if there was a condition like that, and the only one I found was Benjamin Button and I know she doesn't have that. 

Anyway's back to the story, we got in after 30 minutes of arguing. And I have to say, the place look amazing and I would give it more praise if their guard hadn't pissed me off. We then took a table that was all the way across the room, we had to cross the dance floor to get to it. Where the table was located only a few people were aloud over there, and Sabrina had to pay 4 hundred dollars so we could get it. It was her night to pay and we usually take advantage of the person paying for the night. I then told the bartender our orders and to send it to our table,  I also told him we where going to be hear for a couple of hours, so any drinks we order he's to send it to the "K.I.S.S. Table." 

OK guys the nickname K.I.S.S. was made up by me because in high school, I found out that all the first letters in our names, put together spell KISS.   K-kenesha, I-Ishanti, S-Sabrina and S-Sannia.So we've been in the club for about 2 hours and my friends have all drunken and danced already. Well,  everyone but me and Sannia, we drink but don't like to dance, especially in public. So we've been laughing and taking for the past 2 hours and anyone who offers to buy us a drink or asked us to dance have received No's from both of us.

All of a sudden I started feeling eyes on me, and I looked up to be met with forest green eyes that caused a shiver to run down my spin. He just kept on staring at me while I kept on trying to not look or make eye contact with him. 2 minutes later Ishanti and Sabrina came and sat at the table, the same time the dude and his friends began walking over here. Well it seemed like he was heading towards us but I don't know if he was.

"Oh god" I mumbles while sighing annoyingly
"What's wrong"asked Sabrina while the others looked at me in concern, also asking the same question with their eyes. "That group of guys are heading towards us" I said "How do you know their heading over here?" "Because the big one out of the group was staring at me and now he's staring at me, while walking over here." I said

"Maybe he's got a crush on you?"
"I don't even know the man"
"maybe it's love at first sight?"
"I don't believe in that shit"
"Maybe he wants a dance?"
"well he's going to get a solid no"

"Maybe he just saw you and found you interesting and wants to get to know you."  "Or maybe we should just leave before he get's over here. " I suggested "We can stop at a restaurant, I'm volunteering to Pa.... "

"Excuse me lady's"

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The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें