Chapter 29

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She turns into a 4 foot tall light brown wolf. She growls and crouches down to lounge at me. I crouch down too, waiting for her to make the first move.

She finally lounges, head butting me across the field. She lounges again but this time I managed to dodge her but not fast enough, because, the claws on her left front paw dug into my left shoulder, creating 4 deep scratches that begins at my collar bone, loops around my arm and ends a little above my elbow.

Hot scorching pain was felt in my entire arm, but I couldn't rest now. Not with an angry she wolf lounging at me again. I managed to Side step her at the last minute completely this time and deliver a powerful kick to her stomach or chest, I'm not entirely sure.
She only flew like a couple feet, but she was lying on her side with her tongue sticking out of her head finding it hard to breath.

My left arm was in serious pain but not wanting her to die I walk over to her and ask "Hey! You OK? Looks like your finding it hard to breath. Let me just turn you on your si-" but before I could finish my sentence much lest touch her, a deep, loud and angry growl is heard coming from my left.

I turn around to see her mate staring at me and flicking his eyes towards her every 2 seconds, change into an almost 5 foot tall white wolf. Glancing around to find Leonard for help, I don't see him. Someone sees me and says "He left as soon as the fight started to check out a rogue at the border. What, You need his help? Ha that'll teach you, don't start fights you can't finish."

I wasn't worried about fighting, I'm worried about getting rilled up. Depending on the situation and how rilled up I am, I might go into survival mode, and in survival mode I'll do anything to leave that fight alive, even taking another life.

"I'm sure every human with the will to live automatically goes into survival mode instead of the usual fight or flight mode. They're both a little different from one another. In fight or flight mode your mind will choose the best one because both it and your body doesn't want to hurt anyone. The mind controls the movement of the body in either fight or flight mode and the most important command is to not kill.
"But when you automatically go into survival mode, it's the body not so much as the mind. The body has already gone into action without the mind giving it a command. In this mode, the body and the mind can't seem to work together. The mind doesn't want to kill but the body will do anything to survive the attack, even kill.

The person will only know what they've done when the attack is finished, the attacker is no longer attacking and the body and mind begins working again and realization sets in. And by that time, the person is already dead. Your now alive,but your mind is still plaqued by the guilt. Guilt that can only be relieved by understanding and accepting what happened. Accepting it was your only choice.

Shit I sounded like a college professor a minute ago.

Anyways, he tackles me to the floor and bites into my already injured shoulder. He was really clamped down on there shaking his head furiously. I used my good arm to locate where his ribs were and started punching the area to get him to loosen his grip. The punching to his ribs were doing nothing, so I used both my feet to swipe away his legs and held my knees up for him to fall on it. When he feel he howled out and I used this opportunity to to use all my uninjured arm to elbow him in his neck.

He falls off of me and I got on top of him and locked his head in a head hold. His head was too big for my arm to go entirely around but, I made up for that by the tight sqeeze I had his wind wipe in. I yelled out and loosened my hold when someone bit down on my injured shoulder pulling me away from the almost unconscious white wolf.

I continuously elbow the wolf and when they finally let go, got up and kicked her in her stomach again and again to the side of her head. Her body fell still. I then turned around to attack the white wolf again when somebody grabbed me from behind and pulled me away from the much bigger crowd, and into the pack house. The sparks I felt met me know that it was Leo.

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें