Chapter 19

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After reading Dwacia's letter two(2) more times, I called Leonard and told him how I felt about him and what he did.

Most of what I said was a lie and was only said out of anger but, I think he knew that. He kept laughing the entire conversation (me cussing him out) and didn't even say anything at the end, he only hung up the phone while still laughing.

After Leonard and I's conversation(me cussing him out), I lied in bed with the intention of falling asleep to get my mind off of the letter, but as I'm lying in bed, the door downstairs was slammed shut and I can hear Damon and Desmon shouting in excitement while running up the stairs.

" Mom, mom, mom, guess what, guess what?" literally kicking my door open and jumping on top of me, they started screaming. Well, it wasn't screaming exactly. They were saying something but, because of the loud shouting I really couldn't make out what they were trying to saying.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow...,Wow. You two need to calm down before you bust out my eardrums."

"Now, take a deep breath and slowly and calmly repeat what you just screamed."

" We just got some very important and exciting news. We're gonna be apart of our high school football team and our parents are required to attend our first practice session to support and encourage us."

" Wow, that's awesome guy's, I'm so proud of you both. Did you call and tell your dad?"

"Yeah, he's the first person we told when we got the news, he was so excited and proud of us." they said but then they got quiet and developed a nervous look on their faces. Then Damon says "W..w.. We were wondering if you'd attend our first practice as our guardian. We would really appreciate it."

"Of course I'll come, I wouldn't miss it for the world. Look, I'll even bring your brothers and sister along for extra encouragement, OK."

"Yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you, we love you soo much. Can't wait to see you guys there." They shouted excitedly jumping up and down, kissing me on my cheek and running out of the room.

"wait, wait, wait, waaait.when is this practice?" I shouted after them. Stopping at the door they both turn around to answer me at the same time.

"2:30pm on Tuesday, oh, and we're gonna need you to drop us off at around 8. If it isn't too much to ask." they said all this in sink. I've been here for months now and I'm still surprised every time they do it.

I know to some people it's cringe worthy or creepy, but to me it's just amazing, even though I know it's not long before it starts to annoy me.

In amazement I say "how do you guys do that!" but instead of answering they only did a synchronized smirk " Anyways, sure I can drop you off, I'll do it before going to Dwacia's school."

"Your going to Dwacia's school? For what?" asked Desmon

"Meeting for a Mother Daughter Talent Show."
"Your gonna be in a talent show? Shit, well I can't miss that." laughs Damon
"Shut up and get out of my room."

"OK, but will you join us in the game room. We're gonna have a virtual game, game off. We planned it for when Damon and I got home."

" Virtual game off? Hell, I'm in." Jumping off my bed I ran out the room past them screaming " race you, last one there gets no ice-cream." I can here them behind me groaning then beginning to run after me but, before I could get down the last step, they both flew past me like I was walking and they were running.

I spent the whole run trying to catch up to them but I only kept getting dusted.

Once I finally made it to the game room I was panting, not too hard but I was panting.

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum