Chapter 9

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Leonard's Prov

Living with Kenesha has been fun but sometimes it gets tense. Sometimes she'll say or do things that just pisses me off, like when she tells me to call her Miss. Thomason because it's more professional. I however disagree, because Kenesha sounds more personal and the name justs gets me aroused.

I was asleep when a voice came through my mind link waking me up with a startle. "Alpha!" a voice shouted through the link. Recongnizing the voice of my beta, I said "Ramon? What's wrong?"

"Alpha, a group of 7 rogues got passed the border and attached a group of women and children who were on a stroll."
"How did they get in?"
"We don't know at the moment alpha. We captured 3 of them, 3 are dead and 1 got away." said Ramon sounding worried "Alpha, we need you here right now."
"OK Ramon, tell everyone to stay inside. We don't know if there will be any more attacks or if the one that got away will come back. I'm on my way." As I'm saying this, I'm putting on a t-shirt and shorts. Not putting on any shoes, I run down the stairs almost knocking Miss.Thomason over in the process. "Hey, watch where your going, and why are you running like a made man."she questions

"Nothing, I'm just going to go for a run in the woods, OK, and don't go outside."
"But I have to water the plants and rake the back yard. How am I going to do that if I can't go outside." she said
"Just leave those chores for tomorrow. DON'T GO OUTSIDE." I told her this as I'm racing out the back door, shouting the last part.

The minute I passed the tree line, I jumped into the air shifting mid air and landing on the ground on my 4 paws. I began racing through the trees to get to my pack grounds.

What most of the people who have visited my house don't know is that deep into the woods, is a small town populated by werewolves. The reason as to why I don't live in the pack community is, I wanted my privacy and I wanted my kids to live closer to their schools, since there are no schools in the little community. The schools they go to are ran by supernatural's. But, base on where my house is situated, the town is about 30 minute's in on foot and about 10 minute's on paws. Running up to the gates of the town, the guards begin opening it upon seeing me coming.

"Alpha!" They all greated as I run pass them. As I'm running to the pack house, I can see that the once busy and loud town, is now quiet and empty like a ghost town. Once I've made it to the pack house, (which is surrounded by about 50 pack worriers) Ramon throws me a pair of shorts and immediately begins to follow me to the torture room(down in the basement). Once I'm in the basement I can see three large men strapped to chairs with blood ouzing out of small open wounds.

"Have they started talking?" I asked
"No sir, but I think they're starting to wear out. " said Ramon
"Any news about the one that got away?"
"Yes sir, our surveillance camera's show he has retreated back to the woods off of our territory."
"That's good, continue to watch the camera's.Oh and Ramon tell the tech guys to keep watch on all camera's, and place worriers to stand guard at all our cameras blind spots. And find out how they got pass our security team in the first place."
"Yes sir" he says and goes to go do what I ordered of him. Turning back to the men I said "Travis"(he is the guy responsible of torturing)
"yes alpha"
"Get me Laila" He walks off into the torture equipment room and came back out with a silver briefcase, and sat it down on the stool beside me. Opening it, I took out my very special knuckle braces that I had costomly build only for my hands. I named it Laila after my great-grand mother, who looked like a normal woman but was fierce, surprising and always left her Victims so badly hurt, that they would just kill themselves to escape the pain.

The knuckle brace was just a simple gold brace with spikes. The spikes however was filled with wolvesbane and have a small pointed curve at the end. This is so when I strike a person, the spikes would puncture the person and the hook would tear the wound open further while releasing wolvesbane into the wound, which causes extreme agonizing pain.

The Sexy Alpha and his Fiesty chubby mate.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora