Chapter 11

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Kenesha's Prov

The kids are coming back today, so I woke up early and got their rooms prepared for their arrival. I really hope they're not spoiled,I tend to not do well around spoiled kids or persons.

Their mom is going to be dropping them off, and from what Leonard has told me, it's their first time visiting their mom since the break up. He also said that ever since they got there, they've been calling and begging him to come and get them.

As I'm cleaning the steps of the front porch, I can see a very expensive looking car coming down the dirt road heading towards the house. It turns into the drive way and before the car could pull to a stop, the passenger door opens and a boy jumps out. The boy then pulls out a backpack and slams the door shut. He then opens the back door and an identical boy to him steps out along with 2 more boys and a girl. He then goes to the trunk, opens it and begins pulling out luggages, and he's been doing all this with a pissed off look the whole time. All the kids grab a bag and begins caring them, clearly struggling.

I was about to step in and help them when a woman steps out of the drivers side and begins to shout at me.
"Hey, you. What are you doing standing over? Don't you see them struggling? shouldn't you be doing your job? Aren't you the help?" she shouted clearly upset

"Bitch, who are you calling help. I'm their 'nanny' OK, and I was about to help them when you opened your mouth."

"Your not even helping them, aren't they your kids? You know what, don't bother answering that, it's clear from the way your dressed why your not helping."

"What are you talking about?" she questions not even defending herself as to why she's not helping her kids.

""Your shirt, it's too tight, it you try to lift anything I'm sure it's gonna bust open." I said while walking over to the children. The kids are looking at me with wide eyes and opened mouths.

"What? You've never seen a black woman before, what are you staring at? I said grabbing 3 of the bags and turning around to shout, "Mr. Combárdo, get your ass out here and help with these bag's. I know you don't expect me to carry all these bags by myself, I ain't no mule."

A couple seconds after saying this, Mr. Combárdo opens the front door, comes down the steps, greet his kids and grab the biggest bags apologizing.
"Sorry, fell asleep"
"It's OK da....." the youngest tried to say but was cut off by the annoying voice of the preppy bitch.

"You should be sorry, you should have been at the front door to greet them. What kind of father are you?"

"Don't talk to our dad like that. He fell asleep, so what, it happens to everyone. You weren't even home to greet us when we came over." Said one of the twins

"Yeah. Don't be a hypocrite Marlleen, your way worse than dad." said the other twin agreeing with his brother, defending his dad and telling off their mom.

"Alright kids enough, go to your rooms and begin unpacking your bags. And we're gonna have a talk when I get inside about talking to your mother like that." he says pointing at the twins with that last part.

"But daad, she was talking bad about you." said one of the twins "Plus she's not even our mother. She never did anything a mother should for us. She was just our temporary host."

I bust out laughing at that part, dropping the bag's in the process. The preppy bitch had a angry look on her face and was about to say something, or shout at the kids so I stepped in. "okaay kids, let's get inside, the sun is beginning to heat up. So come on chop chop."

Everyone turned to look at me but I just clapped my hands saying "Come on", while grabbing the 3 fallen bags and leading them towards the door. Once the kids are inside, I closed the door but tool a last peek at the former couple. Mr. Combárdo is yelling, while she's just standing there looking at him while shrinking backwards.

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