Chapter 10

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Leonard's prov

After putting kenesha to bed, I went into the bathroom to get her dirty clothes, only to see alot of equipment on the floor. I was so determined to get her cleaned and into bed, that I never realized all the equipment I had to remove from off of her.

There were two hand guns, one gold and one silver. There was a waist strap on 'knife holder' I don't know, and 2 small bags. I began picking up the equipment while shaking my head at how badass my mate was.

Putting the equipment into a large paperbag, I realized that the small bags have shot gun and hand gun ammunition in it. "That's weird, there was shot gun ammunition, but no shot gun.? I said to myself "I wonder if she dropped it in the woods" I thought out aloud. But decided to search the bathroom for it. Searching the bathroom I couldn't find a shot gun anywhere.
"Ralph!" I called through our mind link
"Yes Alpha?" he responded
"Go search the scene of the attack for a shot gun, and bring it to me if you find it."
"Yes Alpha"
"and bring Ramon with you."
"Yes Alpha"
Closing the mind link, I went back to what I was suppose to be doing, cleaning the bathroom.

15 minutes later the bathroom was finally clean and I'm now hungry. While I'm packing away the cleaning equipment I hear movement coming from the bedroom, and footsteps coming towards the bathroom. The door slowly opens to reveal an exhausted and confused looking Kenesha.

"Mr. Combárdo? What's going on and why am I in your room?" she slurred while rubbing her eyes

"Miss. Thomason, what are you doing out of bed?"
"What happened and how did you find me?She asked
"Well, I was heading back to the house when I heard you screaming. I ran towards your screams to see you lying on the ground unconscious while two giant wolves were fighting. I snucked over to you and pulled you out of harms way. You had a bad head wound Miss. Thomason, you shouldn't be up and walking so soon."

"I am slightly tired, but that tiredness is overpowered by my hungriness." she said

"OK then, let's go down stairs. I'll have Cory prepare something for you."

"Who's Cory? I don't know anyone by that name."
"Cory' of my closest friends. He was at the club that night we met."

"Mmhm, I still can't remember him. Maybe seeing his face will jolt back my memory." she said while shrugging

"Maybe it will, come on." I said grabbing the paperbag and leading Kenesha out the room and down the stairs, while placing my hand at the small of her back. You could tell she wasn't used to this guester, because the minute my hand touched the small of her back, she looked up at me and gave me a warning look.

"Boy, you better watch where you put that hand." she said with a scowl on her cute face

Giving her a confused look I said "watch what?" giving me an annoyed look, she said " Look, I grew up with alot of guy friends, so I know many of the tricks men use on women, OK."

"What? I really don't know what you're talking about."
She rolls her eyes and says "Oh please, you were about to do the trick where you place your hand at the small of my back, then slid your hands down and grab my ass. Then when I look at you you'd say 'my bad'."

She finished saying this right when we walked into the living area, so Jewel and Cory heard what she said, and burst out laughing at the surprised look on my face.

"Miss Thomason, I would never, do something like that. Well, unless you allow me to or if we were dating." I said putting in a genuine flirt for the last sentence.

Keneshas Prov

"This boy" I said while giving a small chuckle and a roll of my eyes

"Leonar....d I mean Mr.Combàrdo, can we just get something to eat now?"

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