Chapter 25: catch me telling ella

Start from the beginning

"It is not my fault you watch you mouth." I say razing my voice a little bit but not so much to wake Ella.

"It is your fault if you had gotten shot she wouldn't be in this position."

I take Ella off of me and hand you to my mom "just because you and cam have something going on doesn't mean I won't hesitate to shoot you."

"Just like you got Valentina shoot?" She says crossing her arms.

I move towards her but Cam stands between us "lily go take a walk we all know it wasn't his fault and kade you gotta chill you both are just worried about Valentina."

Lily scoffs and instead of walking away she sits down. I take Ella back from my mom and sit down as well. I can feel lily glaring daggers at me but I don't care because a doctor comes up and walks to us. "Are you the family of Valentina Salvatore?"

I shoot up from my seat "yes" which makes Ella stir a little bit.

"Ok your wife is still in surgery and she's lost a lot of blood and coded once but as of right now it's looking good." He says with no emotion. She coded, her heart stopped!

"Ok thank you doctor." He then nods and walks back the way he came.

"Wife my ass" I hear lily mumble under her breath.

I quickly turn and say I'm a raised tone "what is your problem because I want to know why the fuck you won't shut up and stop acting like the only person who is affected by this."

"Because that is my only friend and she got shot because of you and now she might die." She yells so loud that Ella wakes up.

"Daddy what's going on?" She says in a sad sleepy voice.

"Nothing baby got back to sleep."

I then point at lily and say "you are done you either keep your mouth shut or I will have you throw out."

"You can do that." She huffs

"Wanna bet." I say right back.

Instead of answering she just sits down with a huff and tears in her eyes.

Ella wakes back up and this time doesn't go to sleep so I am playing with dolls on the floor now. After playing a while she randomly comes up to me and puts her arms around me and hugs me. I can feel her little nobody shake as she starts to cry "I don't want to loose mommy."

I feel tears slip from my eyes as I whisper "me too baby but if we do we will get through it together."

"But I want mommy."

I say the only thing I can "I do too."

As where giving the doctor comes back out and walks to us "hello again this time I am happy to say that Valentina has made it and is in the icu recovering now."

"Yes!" I yell and hug Ella tighter.

"Mommy's going to be ok?" Ella asks.

"Mommy's gonna be ok" I say to Ella

I look back at everyone seeing that they heard and my mom has burst into tears and I see that a few of the guys have started crying too, and last but no least I see lily have a full in breakdown and Cameron trying to comfort her.

"Can we see her."

"Yes but only two so you and your daughter." I nod my head and he leads the way. He brings us to a room and then leaves.

I walk in and see her hooked up to different machines but she's alive and that's all that matters. Ella reached for her but I stop her "we have to be careful because she's going to be fragile."

"Ok" I then let her down and she gently grabs her hand "mommy it's me please wake up we miss you."

I pull up a chair and grab her other hand and just kiss it and never let go of her hand. Ella comes to me and says "why won't she wake up."

"Because her body has to rest."

She nods before going to a chair, curling up in a ball and going back to sleep again.

"Please wake up for me?" I say in a broken voice.

I rest my head on her bed and as I'm about to fall asleep I feel her hand twitch. I shoot up and look at her face. He eyes fluttering open. And the her mouth opens and out comes a horse.


"Hi" I say laugh.

I grab water and bring it to her lips so she can have some.

"What happened?"

"You where shot and you should have let me get shot."

"I could never do that I love you to much."

"Well don't do it again everyone was worried sick."


"Ya everyone is hear." I say.

"Come here." She says moving over and patting to bed.

"I don't want to hurt you." I say.

"You won't" she says stubbornly but I listen and lay next to her.

We both fall asleep and I think to myself how I'm going to heal with the Russians but that's for tomorrow right now I focus on vals breathing because she's alive and that's perfect.

For now.

Word count: 1375
TikTok: classy_scorpio
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