~Heavenly Officials meet the young prince~

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A/N: While reading the extra chapters of tgcf I've come to realize that in ghost city they call Hua Cheng Cheng-zhu and some other stuff so i'll be getting somewhere and more accurate as I write now ^^! Votes and comments are highly appreciated! I hope you enjoy this chapter, let's get going!
"A-Ying hang on," Xie Lian stated as he chased the 5 year old around the room with robes in his hands.

"Haha," Wei Ying laughed as he ran bare naked.

"A-ying," Another voice resonated throughout the room and the child stopped his eyes gleaming.

"A-DIĒ" He yelled.

"Stop causing trouble for gege and get changed," He said as he walked, the sound of bells sounding each time he took a step.

"Alright a-diē," he walked towards Xie Lian who simply sighed and began to dress him.

"Why does he always only listen to you San Lang," Xie Lian stated as he walked towards his husband.

"Who knows gege," Hua Cheng wrapped his arms around his beloved as he inhaled his calming scent.


"Shut up you brat," Hua Cheng gritted

"No," Wei Ying grinned as Hua Cheng looked at him and the next thing you knew there was a young boy in red and grey robes running around being chased by his father the supreme ghost king.

The maid were beyond shocked as they saw their Cheng-zhu doing that before a smile formed on their lips.

"Great Uncle," The bowed towards Xie Lian an Xie Lian simply smiled back as he watched his beloved husband and son playing.

"OH OH A-YING NO-" Xie Lian yelled as he ran towards both.

Wei Ying began to pull Hua Cheng's hair and although Hua Cheng didn't care, Xie Lian didn't want him getting a habit like that.

He quickly pulled him off of his husband and held him in his arms. Just as he did Wei Ying began to play with his hair.

"A-ying leave gege's hair alone," Hua Cheng fixed his hair as he reached towards Wei Ying but the child moved away.

"It's quite alright San Lang! A-ying do you wanna play with my hair," Xie lian asked and in response Wei Ying simply nodded.

Xie Lian sighed, he had to head for important business at the heavenly capital he couldn't possibly bring Wei Ying with him since it was against the rules for a heavenly official to have contact with a mortal.

"I have to go to the heavenly capital but i'll be back and you can-"

"NO I WANNA STAY WITH BABA," He yelled causing Xie Lian to sigh.

"Alright alright, we need to get going now however,"

"Alright, that's fine," he smiled as he hugged Xie Lian's neck.

"San Lang, a-ying and i'll be heading to the heavenly capital we'll see you later," Xie Lian smiled

"Alright gege," Hua Cheng kissed Xie Lian on his forehead and the Wei Ying's.

"Bye bye a-diē," he waved before the disappeared.

~At the heavenly capital~

"CROWN PRINCE XIE LIAN IS BACK!" A heavenly official yelled

Just then everyone arrived at the main hall expecting to see Xie Lian but there was no one just Ling Wen telling everyone he will be here momentarily.  As soon as everyone was present it was quite for a second before footsteps could be heard and familiar voice resonated throughout the main hall.

"Alright, I need you to behave,"

When those words were let out everyone one thought he was talking to Hua Cheng and tensed up those that were slouching made their back straight.

However the next moment everyone was shocked ti the core there on the stairs was not Xie Lian or Hua Cheng but Xie Lian and a child, even more it was a mortal.

"Dianxia!" Fengqing yelled everyone was shocked to the core.

"Hello everyone,"

"Crown Prince Xie Lian this child-"

"Baba why are they looking at us like that,"




"Everyone I know, but he's, he's precious and if you guys wish to banish me i'll be more than gald to take that responsibility," Xie Lian mentioned and everyone looked at him with horror.

He wanted to be banished again!!

"Baba, baba," Wei Ying smiled as he yelled causing everyone to freeze.

"A-ying behave,"

To all heavenly officials this scene really did look like a parent with their child. Not to mention the smile of the child made all of their hearts warm up even Mu Qing!! O-O!

"Taizi Dianxia whats it's name,"

"First of all it's rude to call a- Ying an it as he's a human being and a-ying want to introduce yourself,"

"Wei Ying, courtesy name Wuxian, adopted son of baba and a-diē!!" he exclaimed

"We accept him," all the heavenly officials stated taking Xie Lian by surprise!

Eventually the heavenly officials got to meet him the last two were Fengxin and Mu Qing.

"Hello a-ying may I call you that," They both said at the same time causing them to glare at each other.

"Yup, baba what are their names," he said as he looked at Xie Lian

"This is Fengxin and that's Mu Qing,"

"Ah okay, xin-shushu! Qing-shushu!" He yelled getting the two martial gods off guard.

"Well if there is nothing more to discuss a-ying and I need to leave," Xie Lian stated as held the tired 5 year old in his arms.

"Take care!" Fengxin said as he bowed and walked away.

After Xie Lian left everyone left the main hall and went to their separate duties. Xie Lian rolled the dice and headed back to paradise manor.


"Ssh, a-ying is sleeping," Xie Lian whisperered as Hua Cheng shut his mouth.

"Gege let's head back to Puqi Shrine, a-ying can't always live in ghost city," Hua Cheng suggested as he sat down on the bed before laying down putting his arm over his beloved and newly adopted son.

"You're right San Lang, let's head back tomorrow," Xie Lian replied as he closed his eyes.

Then everyone went to sleep. Next day came and although night was never present in ghost city Hua Cheng would always make sure they knew the exact time.

"A-ying wake up,"Xie Lian softly said as he pushed Wei Ying gently.

Then the boys eyes opened and stunned by the sudden location he said where he was and Xie Lian responded with Puqi Village.

"Is a-diē cooking,"

"Mmh, he should be done now let's head over,"
And so with hand and hand both made their way to Hua Cheng.

"Hows my brat doing," Hua Cheng smirked

"Good, woke up excellent thank you for the food," Wei Ying stated as he dug in.

From the sides both Xie Lian and Hua Cheng smiled fondly over him. They would come to love and cherish him with all their being.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I apologize for it being short! Stay safe! ^^!

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