~Oh no~

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" Zixuan-xiong, who do you think is the best girl."

"It's best for you to not ask Zixuan-xiong about this. He's already got a fiancee, so his answer would definitely be his fiancee!"

Upon hearing the word fiancee the male in yellow robes purse his lips.

"Really? Which sect is she from? She must be extremely talented!"

The male in yellow robes simply said, "Forget it."

"What do you mean by 'forget it'" Wei Wuxian spoke raising an eyebrow.

"Is the phrase 'forget it' too difficult to understand?" he arrogantly said.

This got on the nervous of them. Jiang Yanli the said fiancee pursed her lips trying to stop her 'Younger brother'

"The phrase isn't hard to understand. Instead, it's hard to understand how on earth you are unsatisfied with my shijie."

"Why don't you ask me how on earth can I be satisfied with her?" He arrogantly said.

Jiang Cheng got angry at that and Wei Wuxian pushed him aside.

"You sure think that you're pretty satisfying, don't you? Where did you get the guts to be all choosy here?"

"If she's unsatisfied, then tell her to get rid of this engagement! In conclusion, I don't care for your shijie. If you care for her, ask her father about it! Doesn't he treat you better than treating his own child or something?"

The last sentence angered all three of them. People honestly assumed Wei Wuxian had been preferred by Jiang Fengmian? The only reason why he treated him differently was because he was the son of a god and ghost king. Hearing that Wei Wuxian punched him. Seeing as he was punched Jin Zixuan had striked back. That same day Jiang Fengmian, Yu Ziyuan, Xie Lian, and Hua Cheng rushed to Gusu.
"Grandmaster Lan, sect leader Jiang and the Madame are here," A disciple stated

Some were surprised to hear that Yu Ziyuan was here as many did not know of the current relationship between both of them.

"Very well, lead them in,"

Walking in a heavy aura was sensed disciples in purple along with two figures were seen walking in one of those figures walked in with a very domernring aura.

"A-niáng?" Jiang Cheng was shocked.

The women gazed at Wei Wuxian and looked at her son.

"What did you do Wei Wuxian" she said with a gaze on him

"He deserved it," He mumbled

"He is A-li's financé," She said her voice raising

"He insulted her, how can I stand back and let him," He retorted getting her shocked.

"It's the truth a-niáng,"Jiang Cheng stated and she looked at him just then another voice was heard.

"Young Master Jin did insult Lady Jiang," Lan Wangji bowed.

Hearing this from him made her furious. She knew that three people wouldn't lie especially since they were three people she knew wouldn't lie like that especially since two of them had Yanli dear to them and she was enraged.

"He really insulted my a-li," She spoke before walking into the hall furious.

When the door opened she saw Jin Guangshan there before he stood up.

"Ah Madame Yu what are you-"

"It's Madame Jiang," She spoke just then Jiang Fengmian walked in.

"Ah Fengmian you're here," He chuckled.

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