~A/N & Explanation~

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A/N: (So yeah, i decided to skip the cave incident part because it's taking too long to complete it so we will just head over to them getting back to lotus pier but I'll give a short explanation of what I planned to write for this final part)

So during this part I planned for everything to happen as it is but Wei Wuxian begs Yinyu to go out with Jiang Cheng to protect him and so he does and that's when they get trapped and everything happens because Wei Wuxian said he would be okay but his butterfly was killed during all the action so when they get injured and Wei Wuxian kills the big ass tortoise/turtle whatever it is, Hualian arrived and rescue both Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji taking them to lotus pier since that was their first thought, since Gusu Lan clan could easily pick Lan Wangji up from there and to check up on Jiang Cheng since Yinyu took him to Lotus pier immediately.

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