~Diànxià's encounter~

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A/N: Chapter is not revised so I apologize for any mistakes in this T^T!
It was one of those normal nights, well peaceful nights for a white-clothed person that walked on the crowded roads of Yiling. The elegant man gripped his bamboo hat as it kept getting pushed off his head each time someone bumped into him. At the moment that man was heading back to Puqi Village after he went scrap collecting. Xie Lian smiled tirelessly after every bump he received, he would smile awkwardly and apologize, each step he took another bump from some stranger that walked around ah- my bad luck he tried to squeeze through the hoards of people it was rather difficult since not only was his bamboo hat falling, the scraps he had collected were also being held. Just as he was about to take a step he heard a shrilling cry immediately he ran in the direction of where it came from. Just then his heart dropped he saw a small child presumably no more than 7 years quite the opposite actually, the child seemed younger than a 7-year-old but it wasn't what made Xie Lian shocked, it was the fact the child was being surrounded by some snarling dogs inching closer and closer as the child screamed.


Xie Lian couldn't stand anymore and headed over as soon as Xie Lian stood in front of the child the dogs squirmed back and ran. Even Though the dogs had gone away the child before him whimpered, still saying to get away. Xie Lian bent down as he waited for the child to realize nothing was going to happen, he was afraid that if he embraced the child before him he would whimper more. Just then did the child realize that there were no more snarling sounds and nothing had come to approach him so he carefully opened his eyes and when he did he was stunned, before him a man smiled at him. The smile made the child's eyes lit up. Not only was the smile of the man before him beautiful, it gave out a warm feeling, the smile he saw made the person before him gorgeous like snow glistering before the sun, it was as if he came from heaven which he did but the child couldn't know at the moment. It was like the person before him hypnotized him, he couldn't help admire said person before him. Just as Xie Lian was about to open his mouth he heard footsteps and he immediately rushed towards a shadow behind a pillar, even when Xie Lian did that the child's eyes didn't stop looking at him, his eyes following the man. Then a man in purple cultivator robes approached him, a 9 petaled bell hung from the bottom.

"Are you a-Ying," The man asked as he extended his hand towards the child.

Shocked by how the man knew his name he didn't respond at all, nothingness the man didn't say anything instead smiled.

"I knew your parents Wei Changze and Change Sanren," With that the child before him eyes widened.

"Y-you knew my parents," He replied, his voice tiny and light, the male before him nodded his smile, never leaving his face. However, as much as that intrigued him he couldn't for some reason care.  Instead, he got up in an instant and ran towards the hidden male that was about to leave.

"Gorgeous-gege," The child stated in a low voice for Xie Lian to only hear as he held the bottom of Xie Lian's white robes.

Just as he said that Xie Lian looked down to see that and he couldn't help but smile, the way the child looked at him was adorable, although he looked dirty and run down, his eyes had a tint of glow in them and the moonlight made it more visible. Xie Lian simply bent down again when the child let go of his robes.

As this was going on the man in purple stood there in shock.

"Hello little one," He spoke in a soft tone causing the child's eyes to gleam more.

"Thank you for saving me," He smiled and Xie Lian couldn't help but smile brighter than he already had

"Of course, take care," Xie Lian said standing up as he turned around and took a step.

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