~Spending time with Son In Law Pt. 1?~

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Seeing the expression of how Wei Wuxian, Jiang Cheng and Hua Cheng were as they ate the food? Made them think. It's probably not that bad. So they hesitantly took a spoonful and put it in their mouths. Oh how they regretted that. Unlike Lan Wangji who had ate it even though internally he wanted nothing more than to pass out and throw it up, Nie Huaisang spit it back before his face fell on the table.

"How is it? Is it good? I tried my best again, new ingredients." Xie Lian happily smiled.

Upon seeing the hopeful smile of his Lan Wangji hummed and continued eating to finish it all. He couldn't bare see the smile falter.

"What about you a-sang?" Xie Lian asked.

Hearing him call him a-sang he shot up and smiled, "Not much to my taste but it was good."

"That's great. A-cheng how was it?"

"Mmh- it-was the bwest. Very gwood." He nodded as he spoke, shoving the food into his mouth as he covered his mouth each time he spoke a word.

Lan Wangji and Nie Huaisang looked at him in bewilderment.

Hua Cheng who was watching them closely had approved of them. Especially Lan Wangji who ate the entire thing without showing his signs of uneasiness. Just knowing they didn't want to make his beloved disappointed and sad he knew they were good people for his son.

"Oh my- Uncle Xie. This is the best meal I have had in the entire day. How I missed it." Jiang Cheng genuinely state a light blush on his cheeks from clear enjoyment of the food he had just had.

"Baba! Your cooking skills have improved!" Wei Wuxian smiled wiping his mouth.

"Definitely!" Jiang Cheng agreed before serving himself more of whatever Xie Lian had made.

"I'm glad." Xie Lian smiled.

Something only Wei Wuxian and Hua Cheng knew was how Xie Lian mimicked his mother's food. He was a decent cook when he was a crown prince however with what happened, his mother had tried ti cook resulting in what Xie Lian now cooks. Apart form that they actually could like his food for someone reason. Even Jiang Cheng who on their first visit at Puqi Village had liked it in an instant.

"Please eat more a-zhan." Xie Lian smiled.

Lan Wangji's ears got red as he replied, "I'm sorry. I'm actually full." which he genuinely was especially after what he just ate.

"Don't worry baba. You see the Lans eat the most bland food ever and small portions of food you will ever witness." Wei Wuxian stated shoving food up his mouth.

"It's true. Wei Wuxian wouldn't stop complaining when we were there, always stating he missed your food. Honestly I did to." Jiang Cheng stated once again covering his mouth with food.

"Oh yeah Jiang Cheng here." Xie Lian grabbed something from the side.

It was a nice well crafted box with a shape of the lotus in the middle. Clearly made for a specific person. Jiang Cheng's eyes widened in excitement at the box.

"Is this?" He looked at Xie Lian who nodded his head with a smile.

Jiang Cheng opened it and he beamed. Inside was the beautiful, dark purple, same ribbon he was gifted when he first visited them. How he dearly loved that ribbon even to the day it was eventually ripped apart by his dogs as he carelessly left it around. When he had found out it had been tripped to shreds he had cried for hours until the only thing that would make it up was seeing his uncle. He even clinged to Xie Lian's leg and wouldn't let go. So Xie Lian ended up staying in Yunmeng until the next day. Jiang Cheng had slept with Xie Lian, Hua Cheng and Wei Wuxian that night.

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