Chapter 18: The sins of the father

Start from the beginning

It is now 8 in the morning, and the sun is up. Soap and Naruto are on the tower with Griggs. Two dead bodies are up there with them. 

Griggs: Man, you both look like clowns in those outfits. Good thing you're up here, because you both look nothing like Russians.

Naruto: Yep. 

He looks around, and he sees the rest of the team are hiding on top of the gas station to keep out of sight while Kamarov and his men are down below, acting like Russians, along with Gaz. 

Vulture One-Six on radio: Bravo Six, this is Vulture One-Six, we're tracking an enemy convoy headed your way. I count six vehicles in the convoy, over. 

Price: Roger that. Nobody fires a shot until I give the order. 

Everyone waits as the convoy is driving down the hill towards the gas station. Three trucks, a tank, and a jeep are driving down. Odd has an RPG, but he holds fire until Price gives the order. The jeep is in the middle. All vehicles stop in the checkpoint. Soap and Naruto look at the jeep, and keep their eyes on it. 

Gaz on radio: Wanker...Sir, I have a visual on the target in the third vehicle. I'm walking by it right now. 

Price: Copy that. All teams standby. The target is in the jeep in front of the BMP. We need to take him alive so watch your fire. 

Naruto: Roger, pops. (Talks on radio) Jeremy, we got the target. 

Jeremy on radio: Good work. But remember, we need him alive. So don't shoot him. 

Price: Standby. Standby...Smoke 'em.

Everyone open fires everywhere. Odd aims the RPG at the tank, and fires. He destroys it. Naruto shoots down three enemies. He watches his fire on the jeep. 

Gaz on radio: We got company, sir! Enemy reinforcements to the south! 

Naruto notices the target attempting to drive away in the jeep. He aims, and shoots the front tire. The jeep heads for the tower. 

Griggs: He's gonna hit the tower! Hang on!

Naruto: Oh, crap!

The jeep hits the tower, and it starts to go down. It crashes down onto the ground. Naruto rolls around, and lays on his back. He groans as he gets dizzy. He sits up, and shakes his head, trying to shake off the dizziness. He then looks at the jeep, and he sees that the target is getting out of it, carrying a pistol. He runs, but the jeep explodes, making him jump a little. He looks around while panting, and runs again. Naruto gets up.

Naruto: Pops, the target is making a run for it! I'm going after him!

Price: Naruto, wait! Naruto!

Naruto ignores him, and chases after him. The target runs through the junkyard with Naruto chasing after him. 

Price on radio: Naruto, wait! Soap! Take Griggs and help Naruto chase him down. We'll handle the enemy reinforcements and catch up. Go, go!

Jeremy on radio: Naruto, be careful! He has men protecting him! He's heading towards the outskirts of the city! Dang, this man moves fast.

Naruto: I need to go radio-silenced. I need to focus. 

He turns off his radio, and continues chasing after the target. Hostile forces come out to stop him, but Naruto swings his gun around, shooting at them. He keeps firing at them while running. He can hear his team from behind trying to catch up to him. Naruto chases him through the city, and then, he comes to a five story building. He sees the target running inside. He glares, and runs inside to get him. As he does, he hears heavy gunfire outside, meaning the team is still fighting the reinforcements. A hostile comes out to stop him, but Naruto kicks him in the private spot, and grabs him. He throws him out the window. He picks up a shotgun, and continues running after the target. The building is a little destroyed, but Naruto is handling it. A friendly helicopter is outside, and it's helping the team taking down the reinforcements. Naruto makes it to the rooftop, and finds the target. He cocks the shotgun, and points at him.

Naruto: Freeze! Don't move! 

Zakhaev's son freezes, and slowly turns around. Naruto glares at him, and points the gun at him. Just then, the rest of the others join him. They all point their guns at him. 

Gaz: Drop the bloody gun! Drop it! 

Naruto: Drop it! You got nowhere to go!

Zakhaev's son puts his hands up. He looks around as he sees everyone have their guns on him. 

Griggs: I can put one in his leg, sir!

Price: No! We can't risk it! Hold your fire! Soap, take his weapon and help Naruto restrain him! 

Yumi: (Glares at the target) Drop it!

Gaz: You've got nowhere to run! Drop it now!

Price: Naruto! Restrain him. Now!

Naruto slowly walks to him. Zakhaev's son glares at him, and the team. He speaks Russian at them, and aims his pistol under his chin. 

Naruto: NO!

He runs to stop him, but it's too late. He shoots himself under his chin. His brains splatters all over the place. Aelita and Yumi both gasp in shock as the body drops down on the ground. Everyone looks at him. 

Griggs: Shoot...kid's got some issues...

Ulrich: Oh, gosh...

Naruto: (Kicks some cans) Dang it!

Price: (Talks on radio) Baseplate, this is Bravo Six. Zakhaev's son is dead. We're coming home. 

Gaz: (Looks at the body) Bloody heck, his son was our only lead, sir. 

Price: Forget it. I know the man...he won't let this go unanswered. Let's go. 

Everyone walks out to get off the building. Naruto looks at the body. He frowns at this. He then feels something holding his hand. He looks, and sees Aelita looking at him with a sad look on her face. She knows that this is a failed mission, and she feels that Naruto is upset for failing it. He smiles at her, and she smiles back. Yumi comes back, and pulls them both away from the body, and they all leave to go back to base. 

Here's the 18th chapter of Naruto: Soldier of earth and time. In this chapter, Naruto and his team now know who is responsible for the death of the Marines. Zakhaev. He's underground, so they need to find a way to find him. So they located his son. They plan to capture him, and make him talk to where his father is. They find him, and Naruto chase after him. They got him trapped on a rooftop, but he shoots himself to stop himself from getting capture. What will Naruto and his team do now? Find out on the next chapter. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you.    

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2021 ⏰

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