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"you have some nerve showing up here Vixen. Any last words",Flora asked angrily before morphing into her wolf. She slowly approached the group of vampires and wolfs.

All in all, the guards who survived followed Flora's actions, and all morphed into their wolfs and hastily formed a protective sheild arround Kai.

Around their new queen.

"Hello to you too Flora. Its been quite a while, I haven't missed your annoying being at all. Hows the dead parents",he spoke with sheer venom in his voice smiling and revealing his long sharp fangs, but instead of Flora attacking him, it was Kai.

The ground beneath them all shook, and the sky above them became darker.

Kai leapt into the air, suspended in the air. Her eyes glowed a bright white colour, and lighting struck down beside her. Her breathing became heavy as rage fueled her every action.

The wolfs protecting her moved away from they line of fire, but stood well behind their queen.

Vixen and his men took a step back, starring at the new queen of Marainia in awe. Deep down they were a little frightened by her abilities.

Kai's mind raced with thoughts, actions and different scenarios of what could happen next, but one option stuck out most to her...

To kill vixen.

He took her parents away from her. He took Flora and Flames parents away from them. And he took away most of her kingdom.

She needed him dead.

From within the forest hurid movement and noises approched the chaos that took place in the semi burning kingdom of Marainia.

Marainia was the middle point for Arcadia and Atlantas, but going from east to west,it was the middle point for The Krúg kingdom and the Arcane kingdom.

"You dare step foot in my kingdom after what you've done. I'm going to kill you!" Kai yelled out, stretching her right arm infront of her, commanding lighting bolts to strike down on Vixen and his men.

They were vampires so they easily and quickly side stepped them...except one. His arm got struck off by lighting, and he lay on the ground whining while holding his charred and still sizzling stump.

From the South came soldiers in white and blue paint on their faces in a practised march chanting in a different language, as they took their position behind Kai. They were Atlantian soldiers who immediately came to help when one of the patrols spotted smoke from Marainia, which was home to land and sea people.

From the north came Kionnes people. Hundreds of soldiers and wolfs from Arcadia who were led by the king, Kionnes father. The Arcadian wolfs were bigger, faster and stronger than the other kingdoms wolfs. They growled as they approached, baring their teeth and sharp canines. They came to protect the prince and his mate.

From the East came soldiers from The Krūg kingdom, led by their queen Lauria and King Martin in their wolf forms. Pure white wolfs with various eye colours. The few soldiers who remained in human form were armoured up with Kitanas and long metal sticks that had blades at each end. Some were even producing electricity.

They all united to defend and protect Kai and the kingdom of Marainia. They knew how important she was and they didn't want a repeat of what happened many years ago.

"Ahhh i see you've got yourself a possy."Vixen said looking around him to see each and every soldier from the different kingdoms. He was slightly scared but made sure to not let them see his fear.

To the left of Vixen one of his men pulled out throwing knives and through them in the direction of Kai, but Flora who could see this all in Play quickly ran and jump up, to sheild her. She took the impact of the knife and dropped to the ground a with a thump.

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