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~Back to the present

Kai let out a long yawn, mimicked by Flo,"lets just say,being a teenager takes a toll on a persons mental health"She said as she dished up for her a plate full of Mac and cheese.Flo nodded in agreement and both their moms laughed at them.

Kai amd Flo looked at them confused, "sweetheart,it just life, you'll soon learn that this is nothing compared to the stress adult hood will have fir you"Kai's mom said and giggled afterwards biting into her food,she sighed after that"thanks ma,very reassuring"she said sarcastically and that got her mom to become a little serious.

"Dumpling is everything alright"her dad asked and she smiled a small smile at him so that he doesn't worry,"everything's just grand,dad,just grand"she said emphasising grand,and now everybody's attention was on her,ever since yesterday her mood went down,she tried sitting infront of the glass wall that saw out into the forest to look for Oogy but he never showed up, which left her to feel even shitier after what she had done to Oogy number two.

Flo looked at her best friend and felt bad that she didn't realise what state she was in,"im sorry i shouldn't have said it like that,im just tired"she apologized sincerely,her mom smiled a somphathetic smile and held her hand,"we've got a surprise for the three of you"she said and,Kai, Flo and Flame looked genuinely interested.

"We're going on holiday somewhere next week. for a month"she said and Flame shot up from his seat in excitement making everyone laugh.

"Is uncle Lo and aunty Eirine coming with"Kai asked making very sure that her favourite aunt and uncle would not be left behind.Her mom shook her head yes but Kai could see a flicker of sadness.

Her mom caught on and pat her hand and smiled,"all in due time my little dumpling,when your aunt and uncle get here we'll have a hole entire week to explain to you everything"she said and Kai couldn't help but feel as if they were all keeping secrets from her.

"They'll be here tomorrow"her dad said and she shook her head okay and continued eating her food in silence as she overheard all the conversations being held about the trip they were going to have.

"Where are we going anyways"she asked suddenly and everybody fell silent,even the crickets decided it was best not to make a noise,"somwhere magical,Kai, you'll love it"Flame blurted out,only to be kicked under the table by his big sister.

Kai felt a pinch of abandonment since Flame who was the youngest in the two families knew where they were going and she didn't.

She shook it off and thought she was being ungrateful and instead she smiled and joined in on the conversations being more happy about the situation since everyone wanted to surprise her.

Somehwere in the world someone has it way worse than me and could be dying or starving,humble yourself or else nothing in life will matter.

She said to herself in her head and smiled.She always repeated that in her mind when she felt she was being ungrateful or mean to other people who didn't deserve it.


Later that night after Flo fell asleep,Kai quitly put on her slippers and a hoodie and made her way downstairs,being very careful not to make a noise.

She tiptoed to the backyard sliding the door and opened it up,she scrunched her face at the noise it had made.

After knowing for sure know one had woken up she let out a breath of relief and sat down on the lawn looking at the dark forest that layed just inches away from her,awaiting to see her Oogy.

As crazy as it may sound, Oogy was the only thing that seemed to comfort her at night ever since the day she got here and when he went away she felt sad and scared,as if her protection and guardian angel had left her.

Kai heard rustling in the bushes and got up instantly thinking it would be a bear,but instead a large black figure emerged and she felt scared but also obligated to go near.

"In horror movies,this would be the part where i run right"she spoke to herself as she stood still halfway and waited for her Oogy to meet her halfway.

The black figure emerged from within the bushes and trees and it became clear to her that he was not a shadow but rather a big large wolf,with familiar light blue eyes.

It came closer to her growling but she stood her ground and smiled at it,thinking she was surely going insane.She slowly reached her hand out to touch it,ready for the impact of its jaws clutching and biting into her flesh,yet it never came,instead the feeling of soft fur replaced that horrible thought.

Kai smiled,and it hit her like a freight train that this wasnt her imagination,it was real,her heart was pounding in her ears as she stroked the animals fur,and scratched behind its ears.

"You like that dont you"she said half laughing,and the wolf licked her face,"gross Oogy,now im going to have to take another shower"she said through her laughger wiping away the slobber, only for it to be replaced by more,because Oogy decided to lick her face yet again.

She sat on the lawn with her head on Oogy's belly while he layed next to her,she looked up at the sky and spilled out all her feelings to him,what must've been hours felt like a short lived eternity and felt that she knew the wolf personally.

His light blue eyes brought back the warmth,that oogy number two left with and she couldn't help but miss him a little,for their arguements of cause.

"Well,Oogy i better get back to sleep,thanks for not biting my head off"she said getting up and dusting her shorts.

The wolf srood infront of her and yipped in satisfaction as she scratched the back of his ears one last time,"ill come see you tomorrow night"she said smiling at the insanely large wolf,that stood way above her head.

What happend next was so uncalled for.

Kai felt a sharp pain in her right shoulder,and screamed in agony reaching for it and feeling a warm gush of liquid spill out,she looked back at Oogy tears falling from her eyes,"i scratched your ears for goodness sake why would you do that"she said in agony and watched as she started thinking she could actually see air,black spots filling her vision.

Oogy stepped closer and started licking the bite he inflicted on her.The next thing she knew she heard him whinning and he was way back standing up from a fall all wet.

Kai couldn't fathom what just hppend so she made her way back into the house as fast as she could and went straight to the bathroom.

She almost fainted when seeing the four holes in her shoulder,hot blood gushing out of them,she quickly wet a towel and put it over the wound and pressed as hard as she possibly could to stop the bleeding,she bit down on her teeth as she got some gauze from the first aid kit cover up the disaster happening on her shoulder.

All in time for her to pass out on the bed,leaving the bathroom clean,because she didn't want the others to know about oh nothing....that a freaking gigantic wolf came over to the house,and it happend to be the shadow she kept seeing in the forest and oh it bit her.

No not at all,of cause they wouldn't think she's crazy.

But before she past out,she knew something had changed within her and that she felt different.

Sorry Selcouth

Was the last thing she heard before passing out,and the voice inside her head sounded way to much like Oogy number 2.


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