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After cleaning up the mess the two of them made, they came to the agreement that for the time being of them being here they will never make food again.

For everyone's safety.

So that morning Kai made scrambled eggs, Avacado toast and some bacon strips for them all. She knew they had already eaten after seeing the bowls in the sink with some milk in it, but knew that they were part wolf, which means that the cereal they had couldn't have really filled them up.

Kionne left the safe house straight after breakfast saying only that he had some business to attend to and that they were by no means allowed to leave the safe house.

Even if she wanted to, Kai had alot of thinking and reflecting to do, strategizing and so forth, Flame kept himself busy with cartoons that played on the tv and a colouring books.

He was not allowed outside just in case Vinx or one of his men were out there, so that meant if he wanted to let his wolf out it had to be done inside the house.

Kai stayed at the kitchen island with a full clear view into the living room to watch over Flame as she did her research about lycanthropy, vampires and any other greek mythology which actually were not myths since she's living in that world.

It was important that she found out about everything and learn about all the creatures and their weaknesses, who she should trust and she should not.

Kai was shocked when a notification on her phone popped up. She had severed all ties with the normal world, even though she had none.

She laughed at the thought that she was still in school before all this, it felt as if she's known this side of her for forever.

She opened the notification and it opened up into the calender app of her phone. In 3 days time it will be her 18th birthday on the 18th of July. She laughed with herself at how weird this felt, her birthday was so irrelevant that she wasn't even going to bother bring it up. There were more serious things to deal with, and also tonight would be a full moon so she had alot of desicion making before Kionne returned home.

Her thoughts led to her birthday and the full moon tonight, she knew that she was underage in this world but due to circumstances it was fine. She was grateful that Kionne entered her life before she turned 20 because if not she would've ended up with Vinx or someone else.

And their age difference didn't matter because she loved him, with every cell in her body, she wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of her life with him because after all they are destined to be together.

He made her feel safe, he made her body feels things she never knew she could feel and when his not around her she feels a sence of longing for him to return so that she could be smutherd in his warmth and scent.

She wasnt scared anymore and whatever happens tonight, she's staying with him till the end.

Flame snapped his fingures infront of Kai which made her come out of her thoughts,"Kionnes back"he said and she felt her heart skip a beat when she heard his name and saw him enter the kitchen with his usual cocky smirk.

For a prince, who is soon to be king, he never acted like one around her, he's always cocky and playfull around, but she noti6 a few times when they were back at Marainia walking around the kingdom, he plastered on a very intimidating look which held no emotion. After being with him for a while now she could see right past that facade.... sometimes.

"Miss me so soon Selcouth, i was barely even gone"he said kissing her cheek and walking over to the refrigerator, and grabbing him a bottle of water.

"You've been gone for 4 hours"she said and he shrugged,"when duty calls. But enough about me what have the two of you been up to"he asked and Flame excitedly started blabbing on about the shows he watched and showed him the pictures he coloured in.

Flame then returned to the living room to carry on. Kionnes attention was now on her with his brow up,"I've heen doing research"she said and he nodded and walked over to her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist from behind and rested his chin on her shoulder as he looked at the computer screen," ahhh vampires i see. Fascinating"he said pretending to be interested, Kai rolled her eyes which made Kionne chuckle and he placed a gently peck on her shoulder where he left his mark.

It sent waves of electricity through her body and the hairs at the back of her neck stood up.

"I'll be out tonight because of the moon, so stay with Flame. Hopefully he'll help with the nightmares"he said still holding her. She could hear the hint of sadness and disapointment his voice. This made her heart skip so many beats for what she was about to say next.

"No, st-stay"she stutterd and he broke his hold on her and stood beside her, looking at her confused. He cupped her face with his hands and moved it in different directions,"are you okay, you do realise tonights a full moon"he said to her sitting down, while holding her hands.

Kai took a deep breath in and let it out,"yeah i know. I want you stay"she said and he raised his brow up,"are you sure, the last thing i want is to hurt you and Flame"he said moving his head in the direction of the small boy watching SpongeBob Squarepants.

"Yes im sure, he'll be fine. He has his own room"she said and Kionnes eyes widen at what she's implying.

"Kai!"he whisper screamed looking at her shocked, but a small smirk played its way onto his face,"you're talking about that. I though we were talking about me sleeping in the other room while you stayed with Flame in his"he still whispered not wanting Flame to hear this.

Kai looked down embaressed and felt her cheeks become red,"look at me"Kionne said huskily and she did as told, looking at him straight in his beautiful light blue eyes.

His pupils slightly big,"are you sure, we dont have to do this. We can wait till you're ready"he said cupping her face with one hand, and rubbing her cheek with his thumb.

"Im sure"she said nodding her head, and with that being said Kionne hungrily kissed her, but pulled away before Flame could see.


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