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Kai sped along the gravel road that led to maraina, with wolfs behind her. Kionne leadin the pack and Flame in the back seat of the car with Kai.

Her heart was aching. She kelt repeating to herself, that everything is alright, but she knew deep down, that nothing was alright.

The last few meters to the entrace of Marainia felt ling stretched for Kai, so she floored the gas peddle and straight through the gates, towards the castle.

When the car finally came to a stop kai jumped out the car, circling and taking in her surroundings. It hurt her to see what was going on. It hurt her that she failed them.

All around her was chaos.

No matter what direction she turned, no matter how far or closely she looked, it was all burning.

The screams and echoes of helpless people inside burning homes rang like sirens in her ears.

People were running by her trying to do everything they could.

To her left was a semi open feild where tarps were put to lay with dead bodies underneath.

One of the guards thats been helping save people from burning buildings ran up to kai and bowed before he spoke,"Your highness, Vixen and his men set a fire in the centre of the castle and around the village. It spread everywhere within a matter of minutes, we're doing everything we can to save as much people as we can". The guards face reflected distress and sorrow but courage and bravery. He was covered in soot and bleeding slightly from his head.

Kai breathed a deep breath and was not at all prepared to handle the situation, but nonetheless less shed do it.

"What about my mum, and dad?"she asked him, her head high, but her hopes thinning. The guard lowered his head and shook it, turning in the direction of the tarps, amd pointing towards to red tarps that lay separate from the rest.

And she lost it.

The tears finally fell.

The anger and sadness took over her every being.

"Look after him until i get back"Kai said to the guard pointing towards flame who had wondered to the tarps, and sat beside two in particular. He was crying while laying over them and hugging tightly.

His parents were no more.

Kai ran deeper into the fire, her eyes stinking from smoke and tears. She outstretched her arms and her palms, standing in the village square by the big fountain.

She closed her eyes, and her head filled with memories of her parents, it broke her only more.

Theres no time for this Kai, you have save your kingdom first, and then you'll be able to grieve.

She let a loud echoing scream, while at the same time using the water from the fountain to put as much fire around her as possible.

She ran towards the castle entrace all while still putting out fires of burning buildings.


Kai heard a growl behind her, so she turned around to see Kionne. His light blue eyes staring into hers.

"I need to look for Flora. She has to be in the castle",Kai said to him, breathing heavily.

We'll split up. But meet me back here in 20 mimutes, and try not to breathe in to much smoke.

Kionne sais through their mind link. Behind him a few more wolfs ran up to the vastle to help search for as many people as possible.

Kai ran straight passing by the statues of Zues and Poseidon that now lay broken in rublles ok the floor. The beautiful paintings, torn and charred.

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