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Kai moaned in her sleep and tossed and turned when she shot up,her eyes wide open,she looked around and realized she was not in her bedroom.

Instead she was in an unfamiliar large, large, room with exposed brick walls,there was a black metal fullbody length mirror to the side,along with a desk and a door which was opened to what she could see was a huge bathroom,the size of her actual bedroom.

She got out of the bed with weak legs but managed to still walk,looking around for anything familiar,she then spotted a blob laying on the window bed that looked out into the forest and at the ocean,Kai walked over to the lump and gentally shook it knowing very well who it was.

"Oogy wake up,wake up"she said and his eyes flew open and looked at her,he got up and helped support her by wrapping his arms around her waist.His hair stuck out in different directions and his eyes squinted slightly from tiredness.Kai noticed a fresh scratch mark, which was peaking out from beneath his shirt.

"Are we dead?Did we die?"she asked in a whisperd voice so that she didn't alarm the kidnappers.Kionne laughed and slightly squeezed at her waist bringing her slightly vloser to him. Kai felt hot and the sensation of electricity electrocuted her by the second,but she also didn't want him to let go.

"We're not dead,are you alright though?"he asked scanning her body and then looking back into her eyes for the response,his light blue eyes now fully awake and staring into herd."i feel like i died"Kai said making Kionne chuckle. Before any of them could say anything else the door opened with a bang making Kai squeal and move closer towards Kionne, nuzzling her face into his chest and breathing in his scent in.

Kionne looked down at her and smirked at her vulnerability, he decided in that moment he'd do anything and everything to protect her.

"Princess Kai,your awake"the all too familiar voice said from door,and Kai turned around quickly to look at her best friend Flora,dressed up in a white and red armour suit, with her sword dangling by her side. She looked like a fierce warrior ready for battle. Kai looked at her with wide eyes,"what in the bloody hell are you wearing,and why in the freaking fudge sticks–sorry for my language are you calling me Princess Kai,Flora"She asked shocked. Flo looked a little sad,"you'll know everything once the both of you get dressed,Prince Kionne your room is ready for you. You no longer have to stay here"she said with a little annoyence at the end.

Kai looked back at Oogy/Kionne who nodded in understanding and slowly let go of her.He walked out the room leaving only Flora and Kai alone to themselves.

"Flo you better tell me what the hell is going on right now"Kai demanded walking angrily over towards her friend,but also squirming around the bear fur mat with its head still attached.

She was not fond of it.

"Prin-"Flo began but was cut off by Kai's angry glare. She sighed looking down at feet,"fine,Kai i cant really tell you because its not my place,so I'll just give you a short summary, you're a princess, Kionnes a prince,your moms a queen and your dads a king,make sence now"she said closing the door behind her and walking further into the room, taking a seat on the bench infront of the bed.

Flora simply looked up at Kai with an innocent smile after dropping a bomb on her.

Kai stood there frozen in place, looking at her dumfounded and Flo sighed on defeat,"just hurry up and get dressed,the quicker you get done,the quicker you'll know everything"she said. Kai gave up exhaling a deep breath while taking a good and long hard look around the room for clothes.

"Oh yeah,your wardrobes attached to the bathroom"Flora said grabbing Kai's arm excitedly and showing her another room that led out the bathroom into the wardrobe.

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