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"Kai,you seem to happy today. Did anything happen ?" Flo asked as they sat down at a booth in the coffee shop. Kai sipped at her ice coffee dancing her happy dance,"Flo today just feels like its going to be a great day"she said and looked over at Flame who was drinking a chocolate milkshake with headphones in,watching scooby doo on Kai's phone.

"And why do you say that?"Flo asked smiling at her friend who didn't care about the amused looks people were giving her."For starters,Oogy came by as expected, I've got me a iced coffee and five minutes ago you agreed with me on something that we've been at war for-for over 3 years,and that says alot since we never just reach an agreement on matters like that."Kai said as if stating facts,with her brow up at Flora giving her that 'you know im right' look.

Flora laughed,"Kai the disagreement was about oreaos,and who's Oogy"she asks half laughing and mostly confused.

"Oh yeah....I guess Oog's a figment of my imagination. Ever since school break started ive been seeing this large shadow in the forest, at first it scared me but then i realized he or she, but since its not real i can say its a he.Yeah anyways, his brought me comfort and i know this sounds crazy, who in their right state of mind would a large shadow something in the forest comforting? I don't know either but its just a feeling that i have, like I don't have to be scared of anything when his there."

Floras happy smile vanished hearing this, and Kai looked at her confused"by any chance did this figure look like a person or an animal?"she asked in a serious tone, "Well... its to big to be a person so yes, so maybe its an animal," she said sounding unsure and just shrugged her shoulders letting out a sigh.

Flo cursed under her breath and Kai looked at her concerned,"you alright,its nothing really, probably just the effect of falling on my head when i was baby"Kai said and laughed at herself, Flo smiled but started looking in her pockets for something.

She pulled out her phone and got up,"I'll be right back"she said and walked out the store.

Kai was left to watch Flame who was so fixed on the screen that he barely noticed she was there,so she scanned the people in the shop instead,playing a game of hot–not so hot in her head.

Her eyes landed on one particular guy who stood in the line,he was looking right at her with his cold light blue eyes that held nothing but mystery.His jet black hair was in sleek wavy curls that fell slightly into his eyes, and he looked a few years older,in her mind she thought he looked like a greek god with his sharp but amazing jawline, masculine body.He was so beautiful and handsome that she couldn't help but feel a little insecure at his gaze,her eyes struggled a little at looking at him from either the fact that he was so blindingly perfect or because her contact lenses were irritating the fart bubbles out of her.

She did the only rational thing her mind could come up with,she smiled at him and waved.His gaze and presence brought back that sensation of electricity and heat, she could also smell the damn and wet forest. The mysterious man looked at her confused but the side of his lips twitched a little.

Kai saw a figure standing in her perefarel vision and looked to the side at a man,who looked like he was in his 40's"Hello,can i help you with anything"she politely asked the man who chuckled and bowed to her getting weird looks from people.

The man in the line who Kai waved at seemed to tence up and got angry,he started towards them only to be pulled back by a over protective Flo"dont,its not yet time. Why are you even here?"she asked him angrily but quickly went back to Kai and Flame.

The man in the line simply just stared and watched as Flora walked back over to her table, where her best friend and little brother were. He was angry that he couldn't get closer and help, but he knew that Flo was right, its not yet time.

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