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"well thats absolutely beautiful. Kionne did you know you can put this many flowers in my hair"Kai asked Kionne who was laughing at her,as the children in her kingdom surrounded her putting flowers in her hair and showing them the things they do everyday.

Kai adored small children,she thought they were just amazing,also because they matched her level of energy,and laughed at everything they didn't understand.

Even Flame accompanied them playing around with the other kids.

Kai looked around at the many children around her as they sat in the grassy courtyard before the entrance doors to the castle,the space was big enough for all the kids to play around.

Kionne kept taking pictures of her and laughing whenever they tackled her to the ground,there was even a little rascals moment when the girls all stood on Kai's side and the boys on Kionnes as they argued.

Kai heard a slight commotion coming from the back of her at the market outside the courtyard.She turned around to see one of the guards yelling at two teenagers who looked like they were about to pass out from being this scared.

"I'll be back"she said to Kionne who looked inquisitive at what she was doing,but stayed behind with the small children.

Kai walked over to the market only to be stoped by two guards,"Princess Kai its not safe for you to leave right now"the one said and Kai crossed her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes."Oh for goodness sake im just 5 feet away if anything happens you'll see it"she said pushing pass them and heard them follow behind her but not stop her.

"Your parents should be ashamed of themselves, they've raised theives,robbing people of their honest living, you're lucky todays a special day and that the Princess finally returned,other wise I would've had you two locked up in the dungeons"he cruelly spat at the children,and the girl started bursting into tears,as her brother stood his ground to protect her.

The guards words infuriated Kai,and she could see that these children were not getting enough to eat,what upset her even more was that knowbody else was helping them out,or standing up for them.

"Hey stop speaking to them like that"She yelled out and the guard snapped his head at her and bowed in respect,and what made her uncomfortable was that he was older than her,she should be bowing down to him.

He was fully dressed in his white and red armour, with his sword by his side. He had a long bushy dark brown beard which made him look a little dirty, along with long frizzy hair which stopped just above his shoulders. His eyes dark brown and his voice deep.

"Princess,its an honour to make your acquaintance,these twits should be locked up in the dungeons for what they did"he said looking at the children with disgust. Kai approuched them and put her hand on the girls shoulder, kneeling down to her height. She gave her the warmest smile as she looked into Kai's eyes and stoped crying.

"Are you two okay?Did he hurt you?"she asked them and they both shook their heads no lyimg.The girl turned her face to the side revealing a red hand print imprinted on her skin.

Kai shot up,anger coursing through her veins, the guard took a step back startled by her sudden change in mood, and evidently afraid of her."how dare you lay a hand on these children,what were you thinking are you mad"she yelled at him getting the attention of passer byers.

Flora who stood guard infront of the castle doors immediately rushed over when she saw the commotion.

"Your highness,they were stealing from his cart,i caught them in the act,look in their pockets"he said quickly grabbing the boy by his elbow and digging into his pocket, pulling out a loaf of bread.

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