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Kai woke up feeling drained,and as if here body never understood the definition of move.Memeries of a few hours before she had past out rushed through her head,and her heart skipped a beat when she realised what she was.

A Freak.

She layed flat on her back and looked at her hands, terrified at what these babies could do.Her body ached for some odd reason, she reached for the phone on the bed stand to see what the time was.

It was 3:45 pm 25th April,she stared with her eyes wide open at her, phone trying to make sence of how she slept for 4 days straight.

Well we all knew i was a deep heavy sleeper.

She said in her head as she fell back into the mountains of pillows on her bed,and covered her face, groaning from the pain.

The door flew open,and in walked a concerned looking Kionne with a bag to his side,he stoped half away apon enerting smiling at Kai as he closed the door behind him.She pouted her lips while snuggling into one of the pillows that smelt like him,"please tell me theres food in there,and pain killers, my bodys hurting, especially your mark"she said in a little baby voice.

Kionne chuckled and walked over and sat beside her on the bed,helping her to sit up with her back against the headboard.She winced in agony but they managed to do it,and soon after Kionne started unpacking the contents within the bag revealing delicious smelling idian food,along with some of Kai's favourite snacks,which always mean Oreos and Skittles.

She smiled at him lovingly as she took a spoon full,of spicy hot muttan briannie,with a side dish of pappar.

She let out a satisfied moan,and Kionne smirked at how childish she looked.

"No kiss,no hug,no ive missed seeing your face"he asked sadly and very dramatically, taking a box of oreos and sitting beside her.Her veins flared up slightly with anger at the sight of him taking the Oreos,but she let it slide since her bought them.

Kai looked to her side at him,and kissed him on the cheek,"ive practically been in a comma for a 4 days,and all i can remember from it,was seeing a girl that looked slightly like me,and wolfs,lots and lots of wolfs, their were babies too,god that was a nightmare i wish i woke up from sooner than later"she said sighing taking yet another spoon full of her food.

The door opened yet again,and Kai's mom along with her dad walked in happily,"oh my sweet little dumpling, you're alright"her mom said in relief sitting next to her and kissing her forehead.

"Never felt any worse,but im managing"Kai said sarcastically, shrugging it off,but wincing at the pain in her shoulder,and back.

You're in pain because tonights a full moon,which is when we're suppose to make our little hybrid Selcouths and Oogys,but ive already got a plan to stay away,just for tonight though,i cant bare to have you waking up scared and me not being there for you.

Kai heard Kionnes voice in her head and she looked at him,to see he was already looking at her,his cheeks tinted with pink but smiled at her anyways and intertwined their hands.

Someone let out a growl and Kai looked towards her father who was glaring at Kionne,she rolled her eyes at him and looked back at her mom who was laughing."you cant blame him dumpling,your his little baby,so his bound to be over protective,i figure this is just the moon doing it to him"she said looking at her husband and taking his hand to calm down.

As soon as she touched him he eased up a bit and shook it off.Kai learnt that her dad was also a werewolf,he was the youngest out of 3 brothers,and he knew that his time to rule over his kingdom in Egypt would never come,so he ran away to the love of his life and became the king of Marainia, which is home to those of the sea and the land.

Marainia was the middle point of Arcadia and Atlantas,but going from east to west,it was the middle point of The Krúg kingdom and the Arcane kingdom.

Those were the only other hidden kingdom from normal civilization kai knew about,but what she also knew was that there were plenty more around the world,all looking for her,looking for her power.

My lifes been fucked since the day i was bloody born.

"What"Kionne asked looking at her amused,"nothing"she said nervously laughing.

"Dumpling you should get some rest, I'll send someone up to give you medication to help soothe the pain a little,im not saying it will go away completely it'll just become bearable,okay"her mom said giving Kai her sweet smile that now just made her want to break down and cry.

They lived a normal life before this.

"Thanks ma,do you know how i can get in touch with Granpa lo"she asked and her mom looked at her confused.

"Call him of cause, we're not that old fashioned for goddness sake"she said stating a fact and Kai nodded lauging a little as she watched her parents leave the room.

"I should get going too, don't wanna get any accidental Oogys running around"he said chuckling at his own words,with a tint of sadness too.

She frowned and Kionne came over to her side of the bed and leant forward kissing Kai's soft lips.She parted her mouth slightly allowing him entrance,and the slow, gentle kiss soon turned into that of a hungry heated one.

Her body flared up in flames at the sensation of their lips together,his hand lay on her waist squeezing them gently.

Kai let out a soft moan through their kiss and his kisses then tranced down to her jaw,and then to her neck,and collar bone.

She trailed her hands up to his hair and gripped it gently,making Kionne groan with satisfaction.

Kai wanted him as much as he wanted her.Her body wanted nothing more than for him to touch her.A warm swirling feeling made its way in Kai's lower belly but she chose to ignore it.

"No we—cant,Kai.Fuck"he said through heavy breaths picking her up carefully,and laying her down flat on the bed on the side that had no snacks.

Kai thought to herself how far was she willing to go.And before she could come to her desicion,Kionne was ontop of her resting on his arms.

His eyes darker and full with lust as he looked down into her white eyes,he kissed her once on her lips and then to his mark before whispering in her ear,in a voice so deep,making her shudder beneath him.

"To be continued Selcouth"he said and she could practically hear the smirk on his face,he got up and looked one last time at Kai with infact a smirk on his face before putting on a jacket and going out the room.

Kai frowend upon his warmth leaving her,but most importantly him leaving her.


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