Guests of the Infernals

Start from the beginning

And now, in Lisbon, a big city that seemed glorious and rich, a small part of it from the monsters' side was suffering in such way. What if some of them didn't even have a roof to stay underneath? Geno normally shouldn't even care right now, it wasn't his concern. But deep inside he couldn't help it.

"I know I know…" Alter whispered, patting Geno's shoulder gently. The smaller looked up to him. Alter didn't seem shocked, nor sad with whatever was around them. But he didn't seem like he didn't care either. Just looking down a little lost and melancholic perhaps. When he raised head he suddenly stopped.

Geno looked at him confused and then looked ahead. They had stopped 20 steps away from an old little church. If Lord could name it church anymore. It's roof was missing many tiles and the outside walls seemed at many points grey and dirty. The opening was missing a door while the other was broken and hanging, almost ready to fall.

It was too dark to see anything inside. Near the opening another beggar, wearing ragged black clothes was sitting on the dirty ground, with lowered head and hood above it. Geno got stuck closer to Alter and looked again up to him still confused. The taller didn't speak for a minute or so.

"… We'll have to come again here." He suddenly just said chilly and very calmly, whispering almost. He smiled, you couldn't tell if he was staring at the opening of the church or the beggar.

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